Luz finishes coming out to Iris and Ace, and the gang discusses their next steps to find the Shards.
Luz finishes coming out to Iris and Ace, and the gang discusses their next steps to find the Shards.
Remy is played by Kris Allison @knalliso
Luz is played by Fabby Garza @fabby_garza
Julia is played by Minna Reilly @mynaminnarr
The GM is Josie @DragonGirlJosie
Find us on Twitter @love_hellfire
Demon: Love and Hellfire is a Clever Corvids production. @clever_corvids
Support us on the Clever Corvids Patreon!
Featured Charity: #TransCrowdFund
All music is from Pixabay (used under their license) unless otherwise noted. Song list
Drafts of the rules I've written. Subject to change on a whim!!
Josie: Welcome back to Miami everyone. Sorry for the delay on this episode, things got busy around the turn of the new year, and then I had some audio issues, and then I was like, “Okay. Time to finish this episode.” And then I got sick. [laughs] So, here’s the episode now, finally. The featured charity is last month’s featured charity because of the delay, and here it is.
Aki: Hey, it’s Aki and our chosen charity of the month is the Gays and Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society, or better known as GLITS. For more information, check out That’s G-L-I-T-S-I-N-C dot O-R-G. Thanks!
Josie: Another note. There’s no music this episode because I just ran out of time and need to get this episode out. Music will be back next time, I promise. It’s a big part of the show for me. But with all that out of the way, let’s get on with the show.
##Story continues [00.01.51]
Fabby (as Luz): Just, uh, I should mention that since we last talked I met another demon and we— it’s nothing official, but we’ve hung out a couple times, we hooked up once or twice. I just, I just wanted to let you all know, all cards on the table.
Josie (as Iris): Oh. Okay. Yeah, I mean, thanks for telling us.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, of course.
Josie (as Iris): None of our shit is exclusive, obviously.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. But it didn’t feel right not to say it.
Josie (as Iris): So, there is more of you around? Like, are there a lot of demons running around and we just didn’t know?
Josie (as Iris): As far as I know in Miami there’s like…
Fabby: She starts counting on her fingers.
Fabby (as Luz): 15 to 23? I’m bad at math.
Josie (as Iris): Okay. I mean, that’s maybe less than I was expecting. Small dating pool, huh?
Fabby (as Luz): I mean, apparently…
Fabby: She like, rubs her head.
Fabby (as Luz): Apparently Jordan, this demon girl, used to have a huge thing for me when we were demons?
Josie (as Iris): Oh—
Fabby (as Luz): Like, in the before times?
Josie (as Iris): But you don’t remember.
Fabby (as Luz): I don’t really remember. She’s nice! I like spending time with her.
Josie (as Iris): That’s fucked, sweetie. I’m so sorry.
Fabby (as Luz): I mean… yeah. We go dancing sometimes, that’s nice.
Josie (as Iris): I mean, at least you’re reconnecting?
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. Honestly, I care a lot about you two, but it was nice— because of that, it was nice to have someone to distract myself with in this week that we weren’t talking much.
Josie (as Ace): Uh, so here’s the big question that I wanna know. It’s probably the last one. Why tell us? I mean, not that I don’t appreciate it, but, I mean obviously we had no idea.
Fabby (as Luz): Yes. There’s two, maybe three reasons. So first and foremost, I care about you two and I would like to continue to be in your life. And that’s reason number one I think you should know about my life, especially if we’re gonna be close, if something, like, like the church happens again, I don’t want to hide that from you. I would like you all to know what’s happening with me. That’s one reason. The other reason is that, um, sometimes— and I didn’t realize this until I learned more— when I hang out— when I spend time with people I care about, humans mostly, I tend to siphon… I don’t know if energy’s the right word? I tend to heal myself from them. I’m trying to remember—
Fabby: I’m trying to remember how bonds actually work? Fabby, the player.
Josie: Right, so uh—
Fabby: What do humas get from bonds? Or from…
Josie: Pacts let them act as a very small amount of your Lores. By default, it’s the first dot of one of your Lores. I’m thinking there might be some way to level that up, but I haven’t figured that out yet.
Fabby: So— yes.
Josie: You get—[laughs] Now I’m thinking about you get…
Kris: You receive, I receive.
Minna: [laughs]
Josie: [laughs] Yes.
Fabby: Capitalism, baby.
Josie: I receive the essence of your faith, and you receive small amounts of cosmic power.
Fabby: So basically, when I spend a lot of time with someone I care about and we make a connection, this thing called a Pact is formed, where I get healed and restored by your faith in me? And you receive… I’ve never done this with anyone, but I’ve been told the way it works— never done this officially, it’s just been like, people I hang out with this happens and I don’t really notice— you receive a small fraction of my demon magic.
Josie: Iris says—
Fabby (as Luz): So if we were gonna spend time together… that might happen.
Josie: Iris says,
Josie (as Iris): Right. Cause like, succubi feed on fucking energy, right? Is that what you’re talking about?
Fabby (as Luz): It’s kinda like that, yes. Not all demons are the same, some are more not-fucking energy, but ‘m pretty sure I’m one of the fucking energy ones.
Josie (as Iris): Gotcha. Um, does that like… drain us? Cause yeah, that is a little worrying.
Fabby (as Luz): I don’t think so? Based— I have a friend of mine, Remy and like, Remy’s thing is that they, like… they told me about this once. They… I don’t think they drain the person? They just protect them. They give them a little protection. I think that’s how it worked.
Fabby: She says, confused and wishing she had paid more attention.
Josie: [laughs]
Kris: I like how you found a way to make it sound extremely like Remy is a mafioso.
Fabby: [laughs] I didn’t do it on purpose!
Josie: [laughs]
Kris: No, it’s delightful.
Fabby: Mm hmm.
Fabby (as Luz): So, I don’t know. I know that when we hooked up it happened. I gained some of that, uh, not on purpose. So I don’t know if you were extremely exhausted or drained after that?
Josie (as Iris): I mean—
Fabby (as Luz): Other than, you know, the normal stuff.
Josie (as Iris): Yeah, I haven’t noticed.
Josie: Ace shakes his head.
Josie (as Iris): So I mean, if it’s happened already, we didn’t notice it. But um…
Fabby (as Luz): And if we keep going and it happens, we can stop whenever we want— whenever y’all want. Whenever any of us decide that we don’t want to keep this going, we can stop and either take a break or not do it anymore.
Josie (as Iris): So it’s not like, a permanent thing?
Fabby (as Luz): No. But it definitely— it’s not a permanent thing but it’s… it comes with me. Like, its part of my package.
Fabby: She like, gestures to herself.
Josie (as Iris): Oh.
Fabby (as Luz): If you’re gonna care for me and I’m gonna care about you, this is gonna happen. So if we decide that this is too much, then… you know. We would have to figure out a different type of relationship. Friends, or something else. Does that make sense?
Josie: I would like Luz to give a Human Name roll.
Fabby: Hell yeah, I have two dice, baby! [rolls dice] That’s a 4, is my highest.
Josie: A 4. Uh—
Fabby: Yeah, I got 3 and a 4.
Josie: I do think that fills up your clock.
Kris: [excited gasp]
Fabby: Yay! Uh…
Josie (as Iris): I mean, I don’t know, Ace. I do kinda want magic powers.
Josie: And he sighs a little bit.
Josie (as Ace): I mean… listen. I haven’t felt drained around you. The opposite, I like you a lot. I…
Fabby: She smiles.
Josie (as Ace): I’m… I’m not about to… I want to keep being with you.
Josie: And Iris says,
Josie (as Iris): I want to, too.
Fabby (as Luz): Hey, then yeah. Yeah! I don’t know if we have to do anything else to make this official. I think we just did it. I think the thing just happened. Yeah.
Josie: [laughs] I think maybe now that a lot of the emotions are out and the questions are done, I think they put you in a hug between them and I think you can kind of feel… them, in a metaphysical way. It’s not like you can read their minds or anything, but you kind of feel… all of sudden you feel kind of like, you feel their vibes. You feel what they’re feeling in a general sense.
Fabby: Mm hmm.
Josie: And since Luz is a creature very much about emotion and fluidity and stuff, I think that’s what Pacts might look like for her.
Fabby: Yeah, I think she like smiles and hugs them tight. And I don’t know if she says anything else other than,
Fabby (as Luz): Feels nice.
Josie (as Iris): Yeah. It really does.
Josie: I think Iris kisses you.
Fabby: She kisses back.
Josie: I think that’s a good place to leave it.
Fabby: Yeah!
Josie: Yay!
Fabby: Yeah!
Josie: Yay, Luz has a faith thing now.
Fabby: Mm hmm.
Josie: I think we’re gonna leave that incredibly sentimental scene to jump back to Julia.
Minna: Hello.
Josie: Do you want any particular scene with Emma, or just a phone call to ask questions?
Minna: I think a phone call to ask questions makes sense, but it seems like maybe there might be some kind of teamwork at some point?
Josie: How— what do you mean?
Minna: Oh, I thought Jordan was suggesting we might need to work together on this project. I might have misunderstood.
Josie: Oh, yeah, I mean… Chazaqiel can help and maybe tell you a bit more than Jordan can, is what she was saying. If you want, like, if there’s a particular action you want to take with them, I’d love to hear it.
Minna: Let’s start with the phone call to ask questions. [laughs]
Josie: Okay. Um, yeah. Cause I was thinking we do this and then an all together scene at the end. Um, Chazaqiel says,
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Good to hear form you. I am glad yesterday went well and didn’t end up with the restaurant underwater.
Minna (as Julia): [laughs] It certainly could have gone worse.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Scylla was of the same House as you, yes?
Minna (as Julia): Yes.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): I see. And you haven’t heard anything from Belial?
Minna (as Julia): I haven’t heard anything from Belial.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): That is likely for the best. But I worry, given the negative influence Abaddon has had and apparently Belial’s plans, that they are trying to take allies insidiously.
Minna (as Julia): When you say take allies insidiously, are you talking coercion or something, uh, a little weirder?
Josie (as Chazaqiel): In any way, but perhaps reaching out through esoteric means. I can feel Abaddon moving something underground, but… regardless, that was merely to satisfy my own curiosity. You had questions, yes?
Minna (as Julia): I did. I’m— so it sounds like there’s maybe someone who’s under Abaddon’s influence?
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes, I mean, I suppose that would not be surprising. Wasn’t Ethan under their influence?
Minna (as Julia): Yes, but we know about Ethan. I guess we could ask more questions of Ethan?
Josie (as Chazaqiel): That is something, although he did not seem particularly aware of our lot.
Minna (as Julia): It did seem like maybe Chemosh might be a lead.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Oh… perhaps.
Minna (as Julia): But it’s also— I mean, it seems like they’re hard to find, and then Taylor who went after them is also hard to find.
Josie: Give me another Demon Name roll.
Minna: That one’s a 4.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes, Chemosh. I believe Taylor was after that person because he betrayed her at some point during the war. Some safe place being compromised. I would not be surprised if in being rejected because of the betrayal, he had found his way into less than desirable company. From what I remember, he was a Malefactor, those who forged and shaped the world and created many of the devices from before.
Minna (as Julia): Is there any lead as to whether Chemosh is in this world now?
Josie (as Chazaqiel): If Sekhmet is chasing after him, I would imagine so. To be frank, I am waiting for something or another to explode, and then we will have some idea as to their whereabouts.
Minna (as Julia): [laughs] Kind of a watch and wait game at this point.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Perhaps.
Minna: It seems like they know something about Sekhmet’s human identity, I was wondering if I could get more information about that.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): I do now know much about Sekhmet as Taylor. I think she was some form of activist and Chemosh is a collector of sorts, so perhaps he stole something? I would have to do a bit more research into that.
Minna (as Julia): Mm hmm.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): It is difficult to pin all this stuff down, but I suspect that Abaddon might be seeking the Shards by spreading his influence through the ground and sending his agents to whenever they find something. And Chemosh might also be adept at finding such things.
Minna: I just had a silly thought.
Josie: Hmm?
Minna: What if we made a fake Craigslist listing for some kind of extremely demonic-sounding artifact to try and draw Chemosh out? [laughs]
[laughter and gasps]
Fabby: I’m so into this.
Kris: This is the best. Yes. Good.
Josie: Well, you’re doing it now. [laughs]
Minna: How can we describe it to make it sound like either something Chemosh wants or maybe like a Shard? [laughs]
Kris: This is deeply—
Josie: I think if you float this idea to Chazaqiel she says,
Josie (as Chazaqiel): I mean, I suppose the reddit gambit worked. Why not this?
Fabby: That’s my favorite opening in chess. The Reddit Gambit.
Josie and Kris: [laugh]
Minna (as Julia): Everything’s on the internet these days.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Hmm. Mention something about it being a fragment of a fortress or something. I think the safe place was a fortress, but Chemosh betrayed that. I believe that cause great harm to Sekhmet.
Minna (as Julia): So you think if I found a piece of that fortress, he might want it?
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes. Or something to— something like that, to indicate his attention in particular.
Minna (as Julia): Mm. I’ll start working on that.
Josie (as Chazaqiel): Just be careful. If he shows up, Sekhmet will not be far behind. And I do not think she has much recognition of anyone else. Hence her rage.
Minna (as Julia): Well, everyone knows if you make a deal on Craigslist, you don’t meet at your house.
Fabby: [laughs]
Josie (as Chazaqiel): True.
Minna: I don’t actually know if that’s true, now that I think about it. [laughs] I wouldn’t, because internet safety, but…
Josie: Yeah. I mean, it depends what it is.
Minna: That’s true.
Fabby: Yeah, you can’t really bring like, a broke dilapidated pick-up truck…
Minna: Please ignore me then.
Josie: And people do have apartment listings on Craigslist, but…
Minna: That’s right, I did that.
Fabby: [laughs]
Minna: But I also didn’t have people meeting at my house. [laughs]
Josie: Yeah, still general wisdom. Uh, Minna, can you give me a True Name roll?
Minna: I sure can. Give me one second. Oh hey, that’s my good roll. And I still rolled a 3.
Fabby: Aw, hell yeah.
Josie: Okay. There’s a tickle in the back of you mind as you get off the phone with Chazaqiel that the whole fortress thing sounds very familiar to you. Recently familiar. But you’re not sure what.
Minna: Is this something Minna has forgotten? [laughs]
Josie: I mean, probably. But I think it’s interesting if it remains a mystery.
Minna: Yes.
Josie: So, I think the three of you come together the next day to discuss the things that happened and what you found and what to do next. Question one, where are you all doing this? Actually, that’s my only question. Question one.
Fabby: [laughs]
Minna: I mean, if we aren’t meeting out in public, I feel like Julia could invite them over?
Josie: Yeah.
Fabby: Also, since the other day, I mean— this is up to you, but if I got a text form Jordan, I would respond to it eventually.
Josie: Yeah. Oh, yeah. It arrived while you were talking with Ace and iris, but it just said,
Josie (as Jordan via text): Where are you? Are you okay?
Fabby: So yeah, whenever I get a chance to look at my phone, I respond like,
Fabby (as Luz via text): I’m okay, met up with ice and—
Fabby: Ice. I switched their names.
Fabby (as Luz via text): With Ace and Iris. We talked. It was good. I’m over at their place, probably gonna spend some time here tonight.
Josie (as Jordan via text): Oh. Okay. Sorry, just checking. Cause I got worried after yesterday.
Fabby: She says,
Fabby (as Luz via text): That’s incredible fair.
Fabby: And then does the thing that Fabby has done in the past, of asterisk, “gives you a kiss on the cheek”, asterisk.
Josie: [laughs]
Fabby (as Luz via text): You’re such a cutie.
Josie: I think she sends a bunch of kissy emojis back.
Fabby: She sends a heart back.
Josie: And I imagine that continues for a little while.
Fabby: Mm hmm. We’re just recreating our own text message conversations at this point.
Josie: Yeah, I know how you work.
Fabby: [laughs]
Josie: So, back to the group scene at Julia’s place. Are there any, like hors d’oeuvres of that kind of thing? Snackums?
Minna: I feel like the vibe is like a bowl of chips or something and,
Minna (as Julia): Does anybody want anything from the fridge?
Fabby (as Luz): Beer if you got it. If not, water.
Minna: She brings both. It is probably not a very good beer.
Fabby: She… she takes a taste of it, makes a face, goes to your sink, puts some salt on the rim, like,
Fabby (as Luz): Do you have any limes by any chance? Or lemons? If not, this is fine, this will do.
Josie: [laughs]
Minna: [laughs] I feel like there might be a lime or a lemon somewhere.
Fabby: Ah, hell yeah. She like, cuts some lime, puts some lime in there and she’s like,
Fabby (as Luz): Now this is perfect.
Fabby: Luz is Mexican every chance I can.
Josie: [laughs]
Fabby: [laughs] Yeah, no. There’s no such thing as shitty beer if you have lime and salt.
Minna (as Julia): Oh hey Luz, I could use your help on something, actually.
Fabby: She gives you a fake military salute.
Fabby (as Luz): Ay-ay. What’s up?
Minna (as Julia): How do you feel about Craigslist listings? You good with those?
Fabby (as Luz): Uh, a little bit, I used some before to get like, some equipment for painting on the super-cheap. You know, they can be, uh, sketchy sometimes, but I got like that big, big canvas holder I have in my studio for like $5 and a six-pack of beer.
Minna (as Julia): Okay, so you know more than I do. How do you feel about writing up an ad for a piece of a demonic fortress, to try and lure somebody in?
Fabby (as Luz): Oh, okay.
Kris: Remy coughs on their water like,
Kris (as Remy): [cough] I’m sorry, wha? What’re— huh?
Minna (as Julia): So— okay. Let me start from the beginning.
Minna: And she goes back and explains her whole train of logic that led there. [laughs]
Fabby: [laughs] You probably explain this to Remy. I woulda done it anyways, but…
Kris: [laughs] Luz is like, ‘I’m game. I don’t know why, but sounds great.’
Fabby: Yeah.
Minna: [laughs]
Josie: [laughs]
Fabby: I didn’t get here by questioning things.
Minna: [laughs]
Fabby (as Luz): I trust you two.
Fabby: She’s like,
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, um, do you want me to like— what’s the character that’s writing this?
Fabby: She says, pulling out her phone.
Fabby: Like, am I…
Minna (as Julia): The character that’s writing this might be a human who does not know what they have.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, so am I like, a farmer that found this in my land? Or am I like… like a picker? You know? Someone that goes through trash and found this and hasn’t found anything good for it? Like, what should I be working with here?
Minna (as Julia): Oh yeah, I feel like somebody who has like, a metal detector or something— well, not a metal detector cause it’s not metal, but you know what I mean.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, yeah, a dude who’s like a picker. So they found this. Do you have a like an area I should mention this found around?
Kris (as Remy): And it’s someone who might like, was—
Minna (as Julia): No, cause it’s not a real thing?
Kris (as Remy): Hmm.
Minna (as Julia): Unless somebody knows something about where a fortress might have been. [laughs]
Fabby (as Luz): Okay.
Kris (as Remy): I mean…
Fabby (as Luz): Okay. I think I can do this.
Fabby: And she starts writing an article about some who like, is like— well, not an article, a post like, it’s very— if you’ve ever used Craigslist, it’s “Very shiny piece of fortress found while picking.” Uh, a hun— “Two hundred dollars or best offer.” And puts some details in there about what it looks like, based on the other Shards we’ve seen.
Kris: Ugh, so after —yeah, after the explanation, Remy’s like,
Kris (as Remy): The internet is such a weird place. Um, uh…
Fabby (as Luz): Okay, so you don’t use the internet at all? Like…
Kris (as Remy): I mean, I do but… it never feels less weird for being on it.
Fabby (as Luz): What app do you use for dating?
Kris (as Remy): For what?
Fabby (as Luz): For dating. For meeting people? Hooking up, or long-terms. Like, are you an OK Cupid sort of demon, or is the Cupid thing like, kinda puts you off? Grindr? Uh, I don’t know, Bumble? Tinder?
Kris (as Remy): I can’t tell if you’re just making up words to throw at me. No, um, I don’t?
Josie: Quick check in. Kris, I know you didn’t want Remy to be like, involved with romance or anything like that. Is having the suggestion coming at them okay?
Kris: Oh no, mentioning is fine.
Josie: Okay, cool, just checking.
Kris: No, that’s fine. Cause like, yeah, I don’t think—
Fabby: Cool, cool, cool. Yeah, I was just trying to have Luz be oblivious and silly.
Kris: Mm hmm.
Fabby: But good check-in.
Kris: No, it’s fine.
Fabby: Yeah.
Kris: Yeah. I don’t think Remy would have any problem being like,
Kris (as Remy): I don’t. I also don’t… I don’t how many of those sounded real, but um, no I don’t—
Fabby (as Luz): Oh, they’re all real. I can show you.
Kris (as Remy): Why so many?
Fabby (as Luz): I got profiles on most of them.
Kris (as Remy): [to themselves] Why so many?
Kris: [laughs]
Fabby (as Luz): Oh, you know. Different fishes, different pools.
Kris (as Remy): I guess that makes sense. But no, that’s um—
Fabby (as Luz): It depends on the date that you wanna have. Do you wanna have a Grindr sort of date or an OK Cupid sort of date?
Kris (as Remy): I don’t even wanna—
Fabby (as Luz): Or do you wanna have like—
Kris (as Remy): I don’t even think I wanna know what those different kinds of dates mean, frankly.
Fabby (as Luz): Oh, they’re very different.
Kris (as Remy): Okay. I’m—
Fabby (as Luz): Not bad!
Kris (as Remy): I am happy to trust your expertise on that, Luz.
Fabby (as Luz): And not good. But different.
Kris (as Remy): Yeah. I don’t know. The… I don’t know. It’s never really been a priority for me, and it doesn’t appear to have for Remy either which is, uh, a very happy coincidence.
Fabby: For the next scenes, in the background, Luz will just be randomly showing Remy—
Kris: Profiles from these apps? [laughs]
Fabby: Profiles. Like,
Fabby (as Luz): Look, look. Okay, this is another one with a picture of a tiger. I don’t—
Kris: Remy just like takes the phone at some point and is swiping,
Kris (as Remy): Why are so many of these people holding up fish? Are they… prizes?
Josie: [laughs]
Fabby (as Luz): It’s— you know why? It’s because I didn’t put exclude men. Let me go back. It depends on my mood. It depends on the site. Like, OK Cupid lets you exclude non-queer people, which is great. But yeah. That’s why I don’t like Tinder.
Fabby: She keeps scrolling. [laughs]
Kris: [laughs] I also feel like there’s, like, a kind of weird feeling to being like, excluding an entire part of the population just also feels like… like, we know entities who would like, do wild-ass things if they had these slides for real life, these filters for real life. It’s creepy being able to do that, for Orea, to a degree.
Josie: [laughs]
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, you just put the thing, “Don’t show me straight people.” It’s great!
Kris (as Remy): …interesting.
Fabby: [laughs]
Kris: But yeah, I think eventually when Remy has been just thoroughly boggled by dating apps, would, yeah, [laughs] regain their presence of mind being like,
Kris (as Remy): So I, um, I went and I talked to Taira. Just asking if he knew anything about Abaddon. And he… I mean, didn’t have any specifics, but that’s— I mean, neither did we, and I certainly came away with— I’m rambling. Point is, uh, he mentioned that when— and I’m hoping you two can confirm this, if you remember? When, uh, I guess not we— demons were summoned out of the Abyss, there would be some sort of physical element to that, some sort of anchor, some object that was part of that ritual? That would be present if Abaddon was still here as someone who was summoned. Because, you know, thinking back on the fight in the church, um, it didn’t really feel like there was a human body there, although I guess we didn’t really see all that much. But it at least seemed like an avenue to explore. Maybe Abaddon got summoned some extremely long time ago and is just still here off of that? I don’t know.
Fabby (as Luz): It makes sense? I’m not the hugest expert on that, my memories are a little bit off, especially in that bit, but I think that makes sense, right?
Fabby: And she turns to you.
Fabby (as Luz): That sounds correct, right Julia?
Minna (as Julia): Sure.
Minna: [laughs]
Fabby: [laughs]
Kris (as Remy): Okay, so anyway, that got me thinking that, you know, the whole finding that one Shard in the root underground, uh, Abaddon seeming to be made of cables and vines, Chazaqiel saying that she feels something underground… maybe there is some physical element to this, and maybe we can find it. And find them. At least meet the person directly. I would like very much to not have to interact with that John guy again; he really creeps me out.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, sounds like a good plan to me.
Minna (as Julia): Yeah.
Kris (as Remy): Good. I was very worried that none of that made any sense and… [sighs] it was just gonna be—
Fabby (as Luz): It mostly made sense, yeah.
Kris (as Remy): Well, that’s good. I’ll take that, honestly.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. No, good job.
Kris (as Remy): [laughs] Thank you.
Fabby: She means it. She’s like, ‘Oh, yeah. I understood like 80% of that, hell yeah.’
Kris: Yeah, really genuinely means thank you as well, just like…
Fabby: [laughs]
Kris: Just a big sigh of relief of like, ‘Oh thank goodness any of this makes any sense to anybody else, cause I thought it made sense, but also, does any of this?’ Um… [laughs]
Kris (as Remy): Where were you this afternoon, Luz?
Fabby (as Luz): Oh, uh…
Fabby: This afternoon or yesterday?
Kris: Oh, right, yesterday, sorry.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, I met up with Ace and Iris. I mentioned them, they’re the couple that I had been seeing and then told them I was a demon.
Kris (as Remy): Mm hmm?
Fabby (as Luz): Then they freaked out. They seemed to be… I think we made a Pact?
Kris (as Remy): [gasps]
Fabby (as Luz): They seem to be taking it better. Yeah! It’s my first Pact. It feels nice. Like, literally feels nice when I’m near them and around them. I like it.
Kris (as Remy): That’s wonderful!
Kris: Like, Remy is all smiles.
Fabby: Aw, Remy!
Kris: She’s like, so happy. Like, cause— like, Remy has a Pact, Remy also enjoys having that Pact.
Fabby: Yeah.
Kris: Remy’s Pact isn’t going great right now and we’re not talking about it, but like, yeah, that is like— when you say “it feels nice,” like, I think maybe— you know, it probably doesn’t feel exactly the same because hey, different people, but like, Remy knows what you mean and is just like,
Kris (as Remy): Oh, I’m happy you get to have that!
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, it was really nice. Yeah, no. I—
Fabby: God. Do you want me to make this hurt for Remy, or no?
Kris: Please. Fuck me up, fam.
Fabby: Okay.
Fabby (as Luz): Cause I actually brought you up. I mentioned my friend Remy has a Pact and it seems to be going great for them, and they like protect the people and they don’t seem like this takes too much from them— cause they were worried if the Pact took from them, and I was like, “Well based on Remy, seems like that goes great,” right?
Kris: [laughs]
Fabby: [laughs]
Kris: Remy’s face is just kind of stuck in a like, ‘Ah, there are many things I could say.’ Like, Remy is pretty much buffering right now, of like, I do not wanna discourage Luz, but also…
Fabby: [laughs]
Kris: That’s not accurate right now— like… sure… [laughs] I think that’s all they can manage to like,
Kris (as Remy): Sure… oh, that’s… that’s fantast—
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah!
Kris (as Remy): That’s grea—
Fabby (as Luz): You’re a huge inspiration. Like, thank you.
Kris: [grimaces] [laughs]
Kris (as Remy): That’s great. That’s… I’m happy you’ve found them and they’re good for you.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. I really think they are.
Kris (as Remy): Mm hmm.
Fabby (as Luz): Oh, thank you.
Kris: Remy is just downing the rest of their cup of water. [laughs]
Fabby: Aw.
Kris and Josie: [laughs]
Fabby: Remy downing water like if it was vodka.
Kris: Uh huh.
Josie: Very last thing. Remy, I want a True Name roll.
Kris: Oh boy. That thing I have no dice in.
Fabby: Hell yeah.
Josie: Yeah!
Kris: Let’s go. [shakes dice] Wup!
Fabby: Two 6s, here we go. Two 6s.
Kris: Snake eyes, baby… [laughs]
Fabby: Hell yeah.
Minna: Oh my God.
Fabby: Which one do you like least?
Kris: That’s two 1s. Well one of them is red, so I pick that one.
Fabby: Okay.
Josie: Okay. Um… so. Remy.
Kris: Mm hmm? Hi.
Josie: You’re gonna get a point of Torment for letting others down, unless you wanna resist that. And I’ll explain why in a second.
Kris: Ooh. Resisting before— um. I would like to try to resist— listen. I was literally just called an inspiration to people, so maybe they’re feeling a little like, ‘No, I’m okay. Things can work out. We can work this out. I’m doing all of this now so that things can work out and it’ll be okay.’ I’m gonna try to resist it, I got some Faith.
Josie: Yeah. Resist with your True Name again.
Kris: Fuck! [laughs] [rolls dice] Oh, that’s much better. That’s two 5s.
Josie: Okay. So you only spend one Faith to do that.
Kris: Suh-weet.
Josie: So, something’s been percolating in Remy’s mind ever since Julia mentioned Chemosh and the fortress and the betrayal thing.
Kris: Mm hmm?
Josie: Remy doesn’t remember it, but there’s a very strong feeling of foreboding that just kind of builds throughout the night until you’re finished. And you think you have something to do with that. And you definitely let someone down during all of that. Which party? What did you do? Whose side were you on? Who knows. Remy doesn’t know.
Kris: I mean, Julia did men— would Julia have mentioned like, ‘And Sekhmet is chasing this Chemosh guy’?
Minna: Yes.
Kris: Cause Remy does have the terrible feeling like, ‘I don’t think we get along, me and Sekhmet’. [laughs] So…
Josie: Uh huh.
Kris: Already some bad vibes there, and this is just adding onto that pile.
Josie: Yep. So, how does Remy overcome that extremely bad vibe to, like, sleep well tonight? [laughs]
Kris: Uh, I think what happens is as Remy is trying to fall asleep, just like, lying on bed staring at the ceiling, normally would be asleep by now and is frustrated that they’re not, I think there is a knock on the wall, like where their headboard is for their bed. They’re just like, ‘Oh what? Why?’ and you know, is that just pipes in the wall knocking? Cause this is an apartment building, that happens. But the knocks come in a pattern and I think, uh, Remy remembers that it’s Isaiah. Like, sometimes I think Isaiah—
Josie: Aww!
Kris: It turns out like, the layout of their apartments is such that Isaiah’s room is on the opposite side of that wall from Remy’s, and Isaiah is knocking some kind of secret code to a seven-year-old, and Remy’s like, ‘Well I don’t know what this is, but like, I can try to respond.’ And they end up just like tapping out a little— they’re basically just making up bullshit Morse code that doesn’t make any sense to each other, but it’s at least a reminder that each other is there. And it’s like, well I got some people that I haven’t let down yet entirely, and I intend to make good on those.
[theme music plays]
##Credits [00.42.20]
Josie: Demon: Love and Hellfire is a Clever Corvids production. Find the show on Twitter @Love_Hellfire and follow @Clever_Corvids on Twitter for updates on the network and City That Never Dies. We also have a website,
Don’t forget to support the Clever Corvids Patreon. It supports all our shows, and you get some extra goodies each month if you do. I have a few more shows planned, so if we can get enough patrons to afford them, we can keep expanding our network.
Luz, aka Penumbra, is played by Fabby Garza. Fabby is a Mexican-American queer trans woman and you can find her voice in other Actual Play podcasts such as Eidolon Playtest, Moon Harbor Heroes, and Don’t Cast, Don’t Tell. You can find her and all of her work @Fabby_Garza on Twitter.
Remy, aka Orea, is played by Kris Allison. Kris is black, ace and tired. You can also hear them having anti-capitalist gay space adventures in the podcast Breathing Space: Fading Frontier. You can also find them on Twitter @knalliso, where they frequently retweet other people and sometimes draw swords.
Julia, aka Aigron, is played by Minna Reilly. Minna is an aro-ace Florida woman who doesn’t do anything wild enough to end up in a headline. You can, however, hear her elsewhere on Clever Corvids in The City That Never Dies. You can also find her on Twitter @mynaminnarr, where she is almost certainly talking about fanfiction.
The GM is Josie S. Josie is a literal, actual dragon and a thirsty trans lesbian. Hear her elsewhere on Clever Corvids in The City That Never Dies, or guesting on a bunch of other podcasts like Moon Harbor. You can find her on Twitter @DragonGirlJosie, where she is extremely gay all the time.
All music on the show is from Pixabay, used under their license, unless otherwise noted. Pixabay’s license grants the irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive and royalty free right to use, download, copy, modify or adapt their content for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Attribution of the artists is not required, but we have a page on our website,, to credit the artists anyway.
Thank you for listening!
[theme music plays out]