Demon: Love and Hellfire

S1E7: Gender Savvy

Episode Summary

Luz deals with the emotions brought on by revealing her true self. Two old friends make themselves known.

Episode Notes

Luz deals with the emotions brought on by revealing her true self. Two old friends make themselves known.

Remy is played by Kris Allison @knalliso

Luz is played by Fabby Garza @fabby_garza

Julia is played by Minna Reilly @mynaminnarr

The GM is Josie @DragonGirlJosie

Find us on Twitter @love_hellfire

Demon: Love and Hellfire is a Clever Corvids production. @clever_corvids

Support us on the Clever Corvids Patreon!

Featured Charity:  The Sunrise Project

All music is from Pixabay (used under their license) unless otherwise noted. Song list

Drafts of the rules I've written. Subject to change on a whim!!

Episode Transcription

[theme music plays]


Josie: Welcome back to Miami. Hi everyone, thank you so much for sticking with us through the hiatus. I know that was a little bit of a long gap, but we are back on schedule, two on-time postings in a row, baby. Speaking of, don’t forget to check out our other show, City That Never Dies, because after the upcoming season finale, it will be taking a short break, but this one is planned and there will be a Q&A episode and everything. So be on the lookout for a posting about that. But Love & Hellfire will be posting right through that break, so you’ll also have a Clever Corvids podcast going. I also wanted to apologize for last episode, I left out the featured charity. So here’s Kim now with this month’s. 

Kim: The Sunrise Movement is a nationwide youth led organization that advocates for climate justice. Through phone banking, protesting and educating, they aim to urge people to treat climate change solutions as a priority. They are avid champions for the Green New Deal, fighting against fascism and pressuring leaders at the local and federal level to endorse climate justice legislation. Volunteer hubs are also made accessible by holding both in-person and virtual organizing activities, and there is no pressure made in regards to how much or how little of your time you can commit to the cause. If you are under the age of 35 and would like to join, visit, and if you are over the age limit check out their sister organization, Arm in Arm for Climate. To donate, visit

Josie: One more note on this episode before we get started. Fabby clearly describes a wine glass containing wine that she does something with, but I for some reason repeatedly refer to it as a water cup filled with water. I don’t know why I did this. I’m not overriding her roleplay, I’m just weird. And with that, let’s get on with the show.

##Story continues [00.02.46]

Josie: I think we’re gonna move away from that scene with a post coming onto the subreddit. And it says, “So, if this is what I think it is, someone used a Lore in Oleta River Park last night. Who was that?” 

When we pull back away from the phone, it’s Luz’s phone viewing that post, just before Ace gets back home and the three of you are gonna have a talk. 

Fabby: Yeah. I imagine I like, I uh, Instacarted or DoorDashed for some ingredients to make them dinner. 

Josie: Aww. 

Fabby: It’s like poetry, it rhymes, I think she decides to make them a nice paella that’s her uncle’s recipe. Um, and she’s been working on that all day and she got a nice bottle of wine also. And yeah, she sees that message. I think she just makes a real quick, “Yeah, don’t worry about it.”


Josie: So you leave that reply on the post and you get a nice dinner ready for the two of them, which Iris is happy about but is kind of hovering like, ‘Should I help? Should I not? I don’t think I know how to make this.’

Fabby (as Luz): If you want to help here, just cut these bell peppers and throw them in the pan. 

Josie (as Iris): Okay, okay. Got it. 

Josie: Um, and she’ll start cutting. And once it’s all ready, Ace comes home. He is tired and he looks happy to see you and then he clearly, like, starts remembering the morning. And he’s not like— he gets a little more wary. Again, not like pulling back from you or anything, but like, ‘Right.’ 

Fabby (as Luz): Hey. Uh, we made dinner. 

Josie (as Ace): Yeah. Uh, thanks. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, and we have some wine and stuff, so get comfy and then once we’re ready I’ll serve us and we can talk. 

Josie (as Ace): It’s gonna be bad news, isn’t it?

Fabby (as Luz): It’s not bad. It’s just news. You get to know me better. What’s wrong with that, huh?

Josie: [laughs] He kind of squints playfully at you like, ‘Hmm’. So, I think you have a little bit of dinner before Ace says,

Josie (as Ace): Okay, what is it? I can’t…

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, no, that’s fair. 

Josie (as Ace): I can’t. 

Fabby (as Luz): So… yeah?

Josie: And Iris is like,

Josie (as Iris): Can’t what?

Fabby: I think she’s like,

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, so. Remember when we met I made that joke about… you two said would I be able to handle both of you and I said, “It’s okay, I’m a demon,” and we all laughed?

Josie (as Ace): …yeah?

Fabby (as Luz): So here’s the thing. 

Josie (as Ace): I thought that was just kind of a furry thing.

Fabby (as Luz): Oh…

Josie (as Ace): Or therian or whatever you call it. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Fabby (as Luz): How I wish that was the case. All my life, even pre-transition, I’ve had these dreams, these visions that I couldn’t really understand or predict, of demons, of a past life. Of angels. Of a lot of things. And for the longest time, I thought they were just dreams, inspirations, things for me to paint. And I painted them and people liked them, so it was great. Until it wasn’t just that anymore. I… the more time that passed, the more these memories of this previous life, the more they intertwined with me, to the point that… I know this is really hard to explain or believe, but here. Just, gimme one second.

Fabby: And she—

Josie: The two of them meet each other’s eyes like, they’re clearly communicating, ‘We wanna be sensitive to this, but also how?’

Fabby: She grabs, uh, I think, yeah, she grabs her wine glass and turns it over to spill it. And then instead of spilling, she uses Lore of Storms to swirl it outside of the glass and have it start, like, spinning in the air. 

Kris: [whispers] Cool!

Josie: I think—[laughs] I think Iris just looks at it and blinks several times. Ace has a more pronounced reaction, getting up from the table and not like, scrambling back in fear, but he clearly paces in a circle with his hands in his hair. 

Kris: [laughs] 

Fabby: So… demons are real.

Josie (as Ace): Wh— I’m…

Fabby (as Luz): And so—

Josie (as Ace): Nope! Slow down. 

Fabby (as Luz): Okay. 

Josie (as Ace): Slow. Down. 

Fabby (as Luz): As slow as you want, Ace. 

Josie: Iris kinda reaches out and pokes at the glob of water like… boop!

Fabby: Yeah, she can poke through it. And yeah, I like, I make it smaller and make a ring around her finger. 

Josie: [laughs] She— she looks at it and looks at you and is like,

Josie (as Iris): Now, that is definitely too fast. 

Fabby (as Luz): Oh, hush.

Fabby: She like, undoes it and puts it back in the cup. 

Josie: And Iris keeps looking at her hand like, ‘Was that real just now?’ and Ace says,

Josie (as Ace): Okay. So, you’re… I can think of a connection as to why a church got fucked up the other night. 

Kris: [snickers]

Fabby: Yeah. 

Josie (as Ace): I can think of a connection, but I think the one that makes more sense is that you’re involved in like, in the mob or you’re a government assassin or something and you’re just fucking with us. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yep. Sure, that’s me. The government assassin. 

Fabby: Points at herself. 

Kris: [laughs] 

Josie (as Ace): I don’t know! Doesn’t that just mean you’re good at your job? I don’t know. 

Fabby (as Luz): The thing about the church is that it’s currently being run by a demon who has warped the mind of the priest. Or not even warped, just, the priest— he has given the priest supernatural powers and he was the one that hurt me. 

Josie (as Ace): I think— I don’t know, I think conservatives are just like that. 

Fabby (as Luz): Uh, I don’t know. I don’t think conservatives can control electronic cables like if they were vines and wrap you up with them. If they can, we’re fucked. 

Josie: Iris just mutters,

Josie (as Iris): Kinky. 

Minna: Yep! 

Fabby (as Luz): We’ll talk about that later. 

Fabby: She turns to her like, ‘Listen.’ 

Minna: [laughs] 

Fabby (as Luz): I had a lot to process then and I could not enjoy it. 

Josie: He— Ace just kind of rests his hand in his beard a little bit and tugs at it. 

Fabby (as Luz): I’m… I’m just a girl who happens to be a reincarnation of a demon. I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t choose this, I was just living my life, being myself, when all of this happened and I looked for more information and I looked for other people like me. And I found other people like me who just want to live their lives here in Miami. There’s more of us. But it seems like someone is trying to… is trying to use these powers for evil? So…

Josie (as Ace): O—okay. So you clearly have everything you’re saying very thought out. And it’s all very calm and presented normally, like discussing a normal secret someone might have, or it’s a relationship talk or something. But you just—! You just psychic-ed a water cup. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. I… did. 

Josie (as Ace): You just psychic-ed a water cup. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Fabby (as Luz): Mm hmm. 

Josie: Iris says,

Josie (as Iris): That was a bit surprising, yeah. 

Fabby (as Luz): Sorry if that was too much. I… it felt hard to believe. I felt like you wouldn’t believe me unless I showed you something. And—

Josie (as Ace): To be fair, you were right.

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. 

Josie (as Ace): I’m not sure I’m believing you right now. 

Josie: Iris kinda pats your shoulder like,

Josie (as Iris): Just give him a minute. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, no, I’m sorry. Yeah. 

Josie: He continues to disbelieve and kind of pace in a circle and kind of think and ask you questions, but not necessarily wait for an answer while he kind of works it out in his own brain. And she’s like,

Josie (as Iris): See, he’ll get there. He’ll get there. Just give him a second. 

Josie: And after a little while he leaves the room and is clearly taking deep breaths in the bedroom. 

Fabby (as Luz): I’m sorry I gave… hey, I’m sorry I gave your boyfriend anxiety. 

Josie (as Iris): Oh, he already has the anxiety, don’t worry about that. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. I don’t think I made it better. 

Josie (as Iris): Yeah. I mean… I’ll admit I am in shock, and a little bit dissociating. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. 

Josie (as Iris): I can recognize that in myself. 

Fabby (as Luz): Mm hmm. We— this doesn’t have to be, like… if you guys want to ask me questions later I will answer them, of course. I just…

Josie (as Iris): No, I mean—to be clear, I don’t think any less of you or anything like that. Its just a lot. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. 

Josie (as Iris): And you know, you’re obviously very sweet. Probably the sweetest demon I’ve ever met. 

Fabby (as Luz): Well, you never know. I’ll ask you what restaurants you visit later. I know this is a lot, but… maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I shouldn’t have told either of you. But there’s something about you two that just… I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted— the only people I wanted to be around after last night was you two, and I think it wouldn’t be fair for me to hide this part of myself. If either of you wants me to leave and never see me again, I’ll understand. 

Josie (as Iris): No— no, no. 

Josie: She kind of pats your forearm. 

Josie (as Iris): I appreciate having everything on the table. Honestly, I’m not sure waiting would have a different reaction from us. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, no. 

Josie (as Iris): And, you know, I… I don’t know. I was thinking last night that I wanna see you again, and I know Ace is weird right now, but he likes you a lot too. And, you know, it was a good couple nights— oh my God, we double-teamed a demon. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Fabby: Yeah, you sure did. 

Josie (as Iris): Sorry—

Fabby (as Luz): It was nice. 

Josie (as Iris): It is kinda hitting me now. 

Fabby (as Luz): To be fair, I’m also a human. It’s complicated. 

Josie (as Iris): Yeah, this does seem very complicated. 

Fabby (as Luz): It’s basically like what if that thing about past lives was actually true, but your past life was a demon that lived thousands of years? Hundreds of thousands of years? I have memories of like, Creation sometimes. It’s wild. I worked in the Tower of Babel for a bit. 

Josie (as Iris): Wow, um. That is amazing and also vaguely terrifying. Real quick, because I know this is what Ace got wound up on first. The whole church thing. 

Fabby: Yeah. 

Josie (as Iris): Are you sure that law enforcement isn’t gonna come busting down our door? It’s not gonna come busting down your door?

Fabby (as Luz): No, I’m pretty sure that would just… that would— that would— uh. As far as I am concerned, this type of thing worked better— as far as I know, this type of thing works better in subterfuge than just being out there and arresting people, because they don’t want… they don’t demons to just be out there fighting each other in broad daylight. So, if they sent police to arrest me, it would, you know, it would… they don’t want ti escalate. That’s why everything needs to be done kind hush-hush.

Josie (as Iris): Okay. Okay. Urban fantasy rules, got it. Got it. 

Kris: [laughs] 

Josie (as Iris): Yes. Yes, I’m a dork. We are dorks. You know this about us. 

Fabby (as Luz): I know, that’s why I like you two. I guess, I don’t know, maybe you have some books that explain my situation better than I do. 

Josie (as Iris): So real quick question, uh, do you got mind control? Because that would be very worrying for us, but very easy for keeping all this a secret. 

Fabby (as Luz): So, the easy answer is that yes. I have not used it on either of you, I do not intend to use it on either of you unless you ask me to for some reason. It’s limited, it’s not… it’s not, like… I can make people not notice me or I can make people notice me. 

Josie (as Iris): Okay. Okay, that’s—

Fabby (as Luz): And yeah. 

Josie (as Iris): I suppose you could have just made us okay with everything if uh—

Fabby (as Luz): I don’t want that. One, I can’t do that. Two, I don’t want to even if I could.

Josie: Ace calls from the other room.

Josie (as Ace): Iris, why did you mention that possibility? 

Fabby: [laughs] 

Fabby (as Luz): No, it makes sense, Ace. 

Josie (as Iris): I think we do need a little bit of time to process this idea. We’re gonna have lots of questions. I have a lot of questions.

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah. 

Josie (as Iris): So, before the shock wears off, you might wanna go home. I’m gonna go kiss my boyfriend. And then we’ll give you a text when we’re ready. 

Fabby (as Luz): Sure. And if you don’t, then I’ll understand. 

Josie: She gives you a hug. Like, she’d clearly smiling to hide nervousness a bit, but it’s a genuine hug. [laughs] 

Fabby: Yeah, I hug back. Uh, yeah. Hey, does this advance my Torment?

Josie: Does it? Losing hope or feeling abandoned. Do you feel abandoned right now?

Fabby: [sighs] Like, a little bit? But not— I think it depends, right? Do they text back or not. Cause then we’ll see.

Josie: Yeah. And they’re gonna. But let’s see how soon. 

Fabby: Yeah. 

Josie: Gimme a Human Name roll to see ow far you advance this clock. 

Fabby: Where’s my dice? Here we go. [shakes and rolls dice] That’s a 4 and a 1. 

Josie: Uh, so mark 2 more. 

Fabby: Okay. 6 out of 8. 

Josie: Back with Remy and Julia, you saw the post asking about someone using a Lore last night in the park and then [laughs] and then Luz’s account immediately responds, “Yeah, don’t worry about it.”

Minna: [laughs] Mm hmm. 

Kris: [snickers]

Josie: What do the two of you do? [laughs] 


Josie: [laughs loudly]

Minna: Who was using that Lore again? Wasn’t it Julia?

Kris: Yeah. Uh huh. 

Josie: Yeah, it was you. You were using Lore of the Wild. Sorry, I just…

Minna: It’s okay. [laughs] 

Josie: Sorry. I’m sorry I keep interrupting the podcast to put our texts into audio, but Kris says “It’s so much easier when people are genre savvy.” 

Fabby: [laughs] Yeah. 

Josie: Minna read that as ‘gender savvy’ and I’m like, yes. 

Fabby: Gender and genre savvy.

Kris: [crosstalk] Also end as well. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Josie: [laughs] I kinda wanna make that the title of the episode. “Gender Savvy”. 


Josie: Okay, moving on back to that situation. 

Kris: Okay. Um, yeah, Remy kind of left it this time, but would text the group chat saying like,

Kris (as Remy via text): That is where we were yesterday, right? 

Kris: It is. I’m asking right as a sort of like, confirmation, even though I know it to be true.

Fabby (as Luz via text):  Yes.

Minna (as Julia via text): My bad. Luz, is there any way to know who posted that?

Fabby: Uh, I check the account. Like, I check the account. Is it an account I recognize, an account I know? Do they have other posts?

Josie: Not really. They mostly post in science reddits. I didn’t think of an actual screen name, but it’s normal, it’s not obviously demonic or anything. 

Fabby: I like, take a couple screenshots of their previous posts, like they seem to be in— and I send them to the group chat.

Fabby (as Luz via text): The account’s the first time they’ve posted in our subreddit. They seem to mostly be doing science stuff? Here are some pictures. 

Josie: Yeah, and I think it’s a lot of those answering science question things or those memes going around explaining a really obscure climate or environment fact. 

Minna: Hmm. 

Kris (as Remy via text): Well, they also seem to have some idea of what this reddit is about, so… maybe one of us?

Minna (as Julia): I mean, they said Lores, right? So they gotta be one of us. Either that or somebody spilled a lot of beans.

Josie: Do either of you post?

Kris: I don’t think Remy does, just cause like, what do you— just like, ‘Yep, don’t worry about it. It’s fine’

Fabby: I already said that, “don’t worry about it,” it’s good. 

Kris: ‘Don’t worry about it,’ you know, misplaced emoji. ‘It’s fine.’ That’s not gonna help.

Josie: So, I think after a few minutes there’s a reply that comes through to Luz’s post that says “Okay. Well then, my name is Chazaqiel and if I felt correctly, one of you on this reddit—”

Minna: Uh…

Josie: “Is Aigron.”

Minna: [screams] 

Kris: Mask all the way off. Incredible. 

Fabby: I just say that as she starts leaving the apartment, she starts writing— if anyone checks the group chat it’s just her, like, “Luz is typing” for a long time. She’s writing basically everything that happened to her. She needs to let you all know.

Kris: Play by play.

Fabby: Mm hmm. 

Josie: Those three blinking dots are there for a very long time. 

Fabby: Yes. 

Kris: [laughs] I think when Aigron is called out by Chazaqiel, Remy is still right there with Julia. So like, sees that, looks at Julia and is like,

Kris (as Remy): Uh… is this okay? Are things okay with Chazaqiel? I don’t remember who that is. 

Minna: No, I vaguely remember they were a Scourge. They also were vaguely involved with protecting nature. They created toxic gas? They’re part of the reason that volcanoes emit toxic gas. And it’s been quite a while. So, I think she says,

Minna (as Julia): Well, I guess that depends on how the last few centuries have treated them. 

Minna: Sorry, do we have pronouns for them?

Josie: Uh, not yet. 

Minna: Okay. 

Josie: But they will be she/her. 

Kris (as Remy): Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Um, sounds like you’re gonna go talk to them? I dunno, if you’re saying “Depending on how the last few centuries went,” is it time for a reunion?

Minna (as Julia): It’s worth checking out. 

Kris (as Remy): Sure, sure. 

Minna: I think she’s kind of like, poking around reddit, figuring out how the DM function works.

Josie: [laughs] While that’s happening, I think Luz’s long group text comes through. 

Fabby (as Luz via text): So in conclusion, I don’t know. I think I did the right thing. 

Kris: [laughs] 

Josie: In conclusion, I am a land of contrasts. 

Minna: This isn’t what happens, but I just imagined Julia responding with only a thumbs up because she’s very distracted. 

Fabby: [screech-laughs] God, no! Yeah, that’s so good. 

Josie: Please do that. [laughs]

Minna: [laughs] Alright, that happens. 

Fabby: She reacts to your thumbs up with a thumbs up. Like a thumbs up reaction to your message of a thumbs up. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Josie: [laughs] 

Kris: Remy is just like, amazed by the casualness of that response, just like reading through this whole thing like, ‘Oh wow this is a lot,’ then just thumbs up, got it. [laughs] Remy starts like, typing out this whole long like, also paragraphs of response, right?

Fabby: Aww!

Josie: [laughs] 

Kris: ‘You know, you went through a lot, we’re so glad that you found people who are like— you know, it sounds like they just need some time to process it but like, they’re taking it pretty well and that’s so encouraging. But if you neither talk to either of us, like, we’re here—’ [laughs] Just making sure, just like, okay, also thumbs up, but also here’s an essay. In this essay I will… [laughs] 

Minna: [laughs] I feel like Julia had every intention on following up with a more thoughtful response, but then Remy gets there first and she’s like, ‘Okay.’ [laughs] I think she adds a react to it that— I don’t know what reactions exist in messages. [laughs] 

Josie: I feel like we just made one of those triangle memes. 

Kris: [laughs] 

Josie: Like, long confession, long encouraging message, reacts only with an emoji.

Fabby: Thumbs up. [laughs] 

Josie: [laughs] 

Kris: We have emotional support at home. 

Fabby: [laughs] I think she just says like,

Fabby (as Luz via text): Oh yeah. Yeah. So yeah, if— I guess I could go home, but honestly, I kinda don’t want to be alone. What are you up to?

Kris: Types out,

Kris (as Remy via text): Have you seen the reddit?

Fabby (as Luz via text): Oh yeah, I responded to it. Did they post again?

Minna: Julia drops a pin into the chat. 


Fabby: And it’s like, 

Fabby (as Luz via text): Holy shit, holy shit. Wait, do either of you know this person?

Minna: And I think Julia types,

Minna (as Julia via text): Been a while. Not since before the Abyss. 

Fabby (as Luz via text): Holy shit! 

Minna: Or maybe not since the Abyss, I don’t remember which was true. 

Josie: honestly, I’ll leave that up to you. And you’re being kinda vague. That’s kinda part of the point.

Minna: Mm hmm. So I think it’s not since before the Abyss. 

Fabby: Yeah, I think she’s like,

Fabby (as Luz via text): Holy shit. Are we going? Are we meeting up with them? With her?

Minna: Yeah, so Julia’s given the location and I think she types out whatever time she told, um, Chazaqiel. 

Josie: Okay. So, is that location still the park?

Minna: Yes, sorry. [laughs] I forgot we didn’t say that yet. 

Josie: Yeah. [laughs] So, unless y’all have more you wanna touch on, we can jump to y’all meeting up at the park?

Kris: Yeah. I think we can probably pick up Luz on the way. 

Fabby: Sounds good. I think she like, finds a little coffee shop or something by the street nearby and is like,

Fabby (as Luz via text): Yeah, just pick me up here. Just gonna have maybe like, a decaf or something.

Josie: So, you pick Luz up from the little coffee place and head to the park where you found Ethan. It’s around sundown this time, so you can see things a bit better, and in one of the more open spaces of the park by the river there’s a bench. And on it are sitting two figures, both of which stand up to meet you as you approach. One is a rather stern-looking white woman with her hair pulled back and glasses, and she is decidedly not wearing a coat. 

Minna and Fabby: [laugh] 

Josie: Instead, it’s more of a sleeveless blouse. It looks like she just came from work. And the other is a younger black woman, very curly hair pulled back a lot looser. She has one of those— fuck, what do you call the nose piercing where it’s just like a little dot?

Kris: Septum?

Josie: No, I don’t think a septum—

Kris: Like a stud?

Josie: Like a button. Yeah, like a stud, yeah. And a small nose stud. And she has a much gentler face than the other one. The taller white woman seems to have a very placid response to you approaching, but the other one locks eyes with Luz and just lights up, like seeing a very dear friend again. As you all approach, the tall lady goes to offer a hand to Julia and is says:

Josie (as Tall Woman): Hello, I’m Chazaqiel. 

Josie: And she’s partially interrupted by the other person immediately, like, tackle-hugging Luz. 

Fabby: Do I know this person?

Josie: Not as far as you know. You can try and roll about it. 

Fabby: Uh, before I roll about it, I think her immediate response is gonna be like,

Fabby (as Luz): Oh my God, hi! 

Fabby: And give her a big hug. 

Josie (as Curly-Haired Lady): Oh, it’s been so long! 

Josie: [laughs] 

Kris: [laughs]

Josie (as Curly-Haired Lady): I missed you!

Fabby (as Luz): Oh, that’s so sweet! I missed you!

Fabby: Okay, now she’s gonna roll. 

Josie: [laughs] Okay, roll your True Name. 

Kris: [laughs] Oh my God. 

Minna: Such a mood. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Fabby: My True Name… I have one in True Name! Let me go to our dice roller and if someone would be so kind to remind me, because it’s been five years since we last rolled…

Josie: I think you just go /roll and then however many d6.

Kris: I think this is !roll.

Fabby: d6…

Josie: Oh, !roll.

Fabby: Exclamation? Oh. One— nope. That’s 1d6…

Kris: !roll, sorry. !roll, space, 1d6. 

Fabby: Oh. I’m very smart. !roll. All of this is staying in. There you go. That’s a 2. 

Josie: Okay. So yeah. You don’t remember who this person is at all. 

Minna: [quietly] Oh no…

Josie: This is perhaps not surprising to Luz, given how little of her memory she has, but—

Fabby: Yeah, but she’s uh, she’s done this before to other people. Not demons, as far as she knows, but she’s done this before to like, random people she met at an art show or people she met like, in college before she dropped out. Like, people she knew pre-transition, she’s like, ‘Oh yeah, we’re huge friends!’ Have no idea who you are. 

Josie: Chazaqiel kind of rolls her eyes at the other person’s response and says:

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I apologize for Jordan. She hasn’t quite gotten the memo that not all of us have all our memories yet. So, you are Aigron’s incarnation?

Minna (as Julia): I am, yes. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Good. I was relieved to feel your presence in the world once again. 

Josie: She turns to Remy. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I’m afraid I don’t know you immediately. 

Kris (as Remy): That’s… that’s fine. I was, uh, a little all over the place. Um, Orea.

Kris: Puts out a hand to shake, but is like, not sure how this name’s gonna go over, cause you know… [laughs] 

Josie: She seems to think for a little bit like she’s remembering. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Oh, yes. I don’t remember much, but I remember you were very… luminous, back then. 

Josie: She shakes your hand, seemingly not finding any objection with who you are. 

Kris: Yeah. Remy just sort of like, keeps the sigh of relief on the inside about that, like okay, good. It’s not someone who’s gonna I don’t know, shoot fire at me again. Um, but yeah.

Josie: The other girl pulls back from Luz a little bit.

Josie (as Jordan): Hi, Penumbra! Um, sorry, my current name is Jordan, but it’s me, Phanuel, you remember right? 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, yeah, of course. I go by Luz now. 

Josie (as Jordan): Oh, okay. Good to know. Sorry for Emma over there. She seems to not have gotten fully used to the whole human names things yet. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, that’s understand— here.

Fabby: And she pulls out her phone. 

Fabby (as Luz): Here, here, just go ahead and here, here’s my number and we can catch up!

Josie: So while those two are trading numbers, Emma, aka Chazaqiel, says,

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Ever since Phanuel and I have met up, we have been seeking more like us. We haven’t found many more yet, but it’s already a surprising amount in Miami.

Minna (as Julia): Yeah, the subreddit’s been busy. 

Fabby (as Luz): It was a great idea that we all collectively had. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Phanuel had to find that. I don’t use reddit. 

Fabby: Yeah, she doesn’t wanna hog all the credit.

Kris: I think Remy asks Chazaqiel,

Kris (as Remy): How did you two run into each other?

Josie (as Chazaqiel): It was genuinely coincidence. We happened to be in the same restaurant at the same time and—

Josie: And then Phanuel whispers to Luz:

Josie (as Jordan): It was a blind date. Didn’t work out. 

Fabby: Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Yeah. Oh, that’s— I’ve never even considered dating another demon, you know? That’s interesting. 

Josie (as Jordan): Yeah, I mean, we didn’t know. We started talking and it was like, ‘Oh. What are the odds that you also have dreams of past lives? That’s not a common thing.’

Fabby (as Luz): Uh huh! Uh huh, no, yeah. Do you think there’s like a magnet or like, a thing that like, I dunno, destiny or something not as corny that ends up drawing us? 

Josie (as Jordan): I don’t know, maybe?

Fabby: She nods. 

Josie: Chazaqiel says:

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I was going to ask what brought you to the park the other night, but then I saw the news and I can imagine it has something to do with the church in which Abaddon is residing. 

Fabby (as Luz): Uh, yeah. There’s a crazy priest man running for City Council, I think?

Minna (as Julia): Yeah. 

Kris (as Remy): Mm hmm. 

Minna (as Julia): Which makes two demons running for City Council. 

Josie: She raises an eyebrow, 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Oh? Who is the other?

Minna (as Julia): Yiriel. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Oh. Alright, well I know which one I would vote for, though to be honest I don’t agree with either of their politics. 

Minna (as Julia): Neither do I. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah! Anarchism. 


Josie: That gets a laugh out of Jordan. Chazaqiel says,

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Quite. I have been rather distressed with the effects Abaddon’s presence has bene having on the local environment, so when I sensed you, I feared perhaps you were one of their agents. But I somehow doubt you, Aigron, would be taken in by such a thing. 

Minna (as Julia): Yeah, we did our best to punch that fucker in the face. 

Kris (as Remy): Did our best. We tried. What’s been going on with nature?

Kris: Remy’s kind of looking around being like, ‘Trees still look like trees, I see birds birding, I don’t know what’s wrong.’

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Well, this park is already quite manicured by human hands, and I can’t say I care for that. Apologies, I do work as a climate scientist. 

Fabby: Oh, that’s neat.

Josie (as Chazaqiel): But Abaddon’s presence has been spreading roots both literal and metaphorical beneath the city in search of something. And I do not think it is showing yet, but I can feel it and… it’s making everything that humanity does to nature that much worse. 

Kris: I think Remy, like, kinda makes eye contact with each of Luz and Julia, with a sort of like, ‘Shall we tell them about the Shards? I don’t know if they know about the Shards, but that’s probably the something.’

Fabby: Uh, Luz does like a very small, like, shoulder shrug of, ‘Up to you.’

Minna (as Julia): [sighs] That would be Babel.

Minna: Babbel? It is Bay-bel or Bab-bel? I don’t why my brain is like—

Josie: I always pronounce it Bab-bel.

Minna: Bab-bel. 

Minna (as Julia): That would be Babel. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Babel? The Tower?

Fabby (as Luz): Same one. We found a Shard the other day. 

Kris (as Remy): And apparently there are more. 

Fabby (as Luz): And apparently they are trying to rebuild it? Reconstruct it? Something. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Hmm. Well, that seems foolish on their part, but that explain what they’re seeking by spreading out, I imagine. 

Kris (as Remy): Foolish at the least, but if those Shards can do what some of us have some thoughts on what they can do, it could be a whole lot worse. For everyone. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes.

Josie: Jordan says,

Josie (as Jordan): I don’t really remember what the Tower did, but now that you say it, I am remembering all the drama that went on in there. Like, Luz, it was you to Lucifer, and Lucifer to Belial, and then me to you, and Belial to a bunch of other people. It was nuts. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah… I— it’s weird, because when I remember those times, I seem to enjoy them? But also… I feel like I enjoyed very specific things. 

Josie (as Jordan): Yeah… yeah. I tried to get your attention a lot, but you really only had eyes for Lucifer butt.

Fabby (as Luz): Okay, but can you blame me?

Josie (as Jordan): It was a very nice butt.

Fabby (as Luz): [makes uncomfortable whinging noises]

Josie: [laughs] 

Fabby: I think she very explicitly and obviously checks her— Jordan is her name? No. Yeah, Jordan right, is her new name?

Josie: Yeah. 

Fabby: Very explicitly checks Jordan’s butt out. 

Fabby (as Luz): So do you. 

Josie (as Jordan): Thank you. 

Fabby: Wait, does she? Before I know if she’s lying, does she?

Josie: She does, have a nice butt, yes. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, so do you. 

Josie: She stutters and is awkward at that. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): There was also the matter of Sekhmet, who I believe Orea, you knew once upon a time.

Kris: Remy is like, trying not to be like—  I don’t know if Remy has the like, ‘Oh no, yeah, totally, of course,’ the ease of that that Luz had, but like, is trying not to outright say no, I have no recollection of who that is. I think they’re trying real hard to remember so that they can be like, ‘Oh yes, of course,’ but those memories are extremely repressed. I think they’re gonna try. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): We did try to make contact with her, but she is as militant as ever. And I worry she’s gonna do something even more violent than what you all did. 

Kris (as Remy): So you know where she is now?

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Not as such. In truth, I’m just here to make contact so we can talk things out, as it were.

Kris (as Remy): Is that what the two of you have been doing? I mean getting in touch with the reddit—

Kris: And there’s a small smile coming to Remy’s face like,

Kris (as Remy): You’re just sort of putting out feelers, seeing who’s around?

Josie (as Jordan): Yeah. I mean, that’s kinda what we’re doing. I woke up, like, a couple months ago? And Emma’s kinda the same. So… we’re kinda new at this as well, but we found each other pretty quick. 

Minna (as Julia): I mean, if you wanna see other people, we’ve got a regular brunch going. 

Fabby (as Luz): Oh yeah, you’ll love this place. 

Josie (as Jordan): Really? There’s that many of us here to like, host events and stuff?

Fabby (as Luz): I mean, there’s the three of us and the owner that attend. We had some people, but most of them think we’re doing some sort of LARP or like, an art piece?

Josie (as Jordan): Oh yeah, I mean, that’s what I would think the subreddit is, but— who’s the owner?

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, oh Naz! She’s—

Fabby: Uh, pronouns for Naz?

Josie: She/her.

Fabby: Cool. 

Fabby (as Luz): She’s wonderful. 

Josie (as Jordan): Oh, Nazriel? She’s awesome.

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah! Makes a mean cup of coffee. 

Josie (as Jordan): Yes. Luciferan solidarity. 

Josie: She rubs her hands together. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah! 

Fabby: Me Fabby, also again. I love her? I love Jordan. I love her. 

Josie: [laughs] Okay good, I’m glad. 

Fabby: [laughs] 

Josie: Emma says:

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I also apologize for the over-formality. I’m still getting used to the whole human thing.

Kris (as Remy): Don’t worry about it. I’m pretty new myself, so eh. We all take our time. It’s good to see more of us, though.

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes. 

Kris (as Remy): And when Ethan gets out of the hospital, um, maybe he’ll stop by too. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Ethan?

Kris (as Remy): Oh, um, Pahalia. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I don’t quite remember that one. 

Kris (as Remy): Well, was big with names, but I mean, I don’t blame you. We were close and I don’t remember a lot either, so. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes. 

Kris (as Remy): Hopefully time will bring those memories back.

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Hopefully. Aigron, do you remember me?

Minna (as Julia): Yeah, I remember you. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Alright. Good. Sorry, I just remember what you were doing influencing what I was doing. 

Minna (as Julia): I guess you could call us collaborators, in a way. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I suppose. What do you do now that you’re reincarnated?

Minna (as Julia): I take care of trees.

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Well, it sounds like you landed in a role that suits you, then. 

Minna (as Julia): It sounds a lot more glamorous than it is, but it works for me. I mean, when I put it that way. When I say I’m an arborist, it does not sound glamorous. [laughs] 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Hmm. Yes, well, we can’t exactly reshape the heavens and earth anymore. It’s kind of, what we do is always gonna be kind of inglamorous compared to how humans seem to be fucking things up now. 

Minna (as Julia): Mm. Couple of demons treading on that too, which is not what I’d hoped for. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes. I, as far as I can tell, all the generals got out of the Abyss around the same time. But judging by Abaddon, that doesn’t seem to help them any. 

Josie: Jordan kind of leans in to Remy and Luz and is like,

Josie (as Jordan): Yeah, Chaz can be kind of a downer, huh? 

Kris (as Remy): I mean, I’m just trying to put together pieces, sorry. I hadn’t even thought about where the others might be. Just Abaddon being around was, oh, he’s bad enough. I hadn’t thought about more. 

Josie (as Jordan): You could say Abaddon is a bad one. Heh. 

Kris: [laughs] 

Minna: [laughs]

Fabby (as Luz): Or you could say maybe we wished they would have abaddon-ed us?

Kris (as Remy): [groans]

Kris: Remy is like pinching the bridge of their nose like, ‘Oh no. They’re just making each other worse.’

Josie: Emma does the exact same gesture. 


Josie: And there’s that moment of shared pain between Remy and Chazaqiel. 

Kris: Shared, like—

Minna (as Julia): Are we aba-done with this?

Kris: [laughs] Remy and Chazaqiel are both just like, ‘Ah, young people. I see.’

Josie: [laughs] 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Not you too, Aigron. Jesus. 

Minna (as Julia): I don’t have anything against puns. 

Josie (as Jordan): Speaking of, that Jesus thing just popped into my head, that wasn’t a thing back then, was it?

Kris (as Remy): I’m not entirely sure who that is, still. I was walking around a lot. I heard the name, but never met them? I don’t… I don’t know. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I suppose a lot of things have happened in the meantime. 

Kris (as Remy): There’s been a lot of time. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, I don’t think I’m familiar. I mean, I know now. A lot of my art actually deals with— it doesn’t matter. But I don’t have any memories about that. 

Josie (as Jordan): Yeah, that is weird. But yeah, hopefully if a bunch of us get together we can get rid of A Bad One.

Kris (as Remy): I mean, we may not be able to move the heavens and earth anymore, but it’s not like we can’t do anything. 

Josie (as Jordan): Yeah, I guess that’s true. 

Kris (as Remy): We got one Shard out of their hands, we’ll find a way to keep the rest away from them too, cause I don’t… [sighs] This church, it’s trouble. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes. Although we may need to be slightly more subtle about it next time.

Kris (as Remy): Okay, yes. Next time maybe we don’t just go in guns blazing— although the guns weren’t ours, in our defense. That was not us. 

Fabby (as Luz): To be fair I have always strived to be subtle, but things just… they don’t end up agreeing with me and subtlety goes off the window around the time people are shooting me. 

Josie: Jordan looks at you like, ‘You? Subtle?’ [laughs] 

Fabby (as Luz): You know! I have the whole like, people can’t perceive me.

Fabby: She rubs her hands over not her face, but like across her face in a mystical manner. 

Fabby (as Luz): People can’t perceive me if I don’t want them to. You know? That’s subtlety. 

Josie (as Josie): Yeah, but you want them to see you all the time. 

Fabby (as Luz): It depends on the person. 

Fabby: I think she like, slightly gets closer and is like,

Fabby (as Luz): Some people I don’t mind if they see me all the time. Others, maybe not so much. 

Josie (as Jordan): Wow, it has been a long time. I’m really used to not being able to get you to look away from Lucifer. Okay, hi. Um… [laughs] 

Fabby: She like, sighs when she said Lucifer and is like, 

Fabby (as Luz): It’s been a long time. 

Fabby: And she says that a little bit sadder. 

Fabby (as Luz): It sure has been a long time. 

Josie: Emma looks back to the other two. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Those two will probably need time alone later. Do you wanna sit? 

Kris (as Remy): Always. 

Josie: So I think a little demon gathering on the grass happens while you all start to catch up. Is there anything you all wanna run by the two of them?

Kris: Un, I forgot to bring it up earlier, but mentioning that Taira, you know, Okuninushi, told us about like what the Shard might be able to do and also that he might show up to brunch, so it’s like [sing-song] I don’t know how to both feel about him but he’ll be there, maybe. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Kris: I don’t know why that had to be a song. 

Fabby: It’s a good song. 

Kris: [laughs] 

Fabby: Sick beat. 

Kris: That’s all I can think of at this point. 

Josie: Yeah. 

Kris: I think Remy might be like, trying to remember like, who is Sekhmet again because like, the fact that they can’t, they’re just like…

Josie: Give me a True Name roll. 

Kris: Sure thing. That’s zero dots, it’s gonna be great. 

Josie: Uh huh. 

Kris: 2d6… [laughs] They’re both 1s!

Josie: Two. Um…

Kris: Let’s go. 

Josie: The only impression you get from the name Sekhmet is a bad memory. 

Kris: Oh, delightful. 

Josie: You don’t know what it is, but you think you two fought once upon a time. [laughs] 

Kris: Yeah, just like, I know I know the name, but it does not conjure good vibes. 

Josie: Yeah, there’s a lot of like, like clawing sensation. [laughs] 

Kris: Oh, that feels fine. So, I feel like that’s just on the back of Remy’s mind throughout the rest of this, you know. They’ll just be kind of like thinking and it’s like, ‘Right, Remy?’ ‘Oh, yeah. Uh huh, of course,’ and then goes [grumbles] again.

Josie: Mm hmm. Uh, Luz, are you continuing to try to obscure the fact that you don’t remember Phanuel?

Fabby: Oh, 100%. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Fabby: She’s trying to piece— listen, she’s getting information, she’s processing it and going with the flow. Like I said, she does this all the time in like art gatherings and stuff and whenever she has to like, sell herself. So, she does like Jordan, she seems nice to her, but also she’s like, ‘I’m just gonna let you lead this,’ and yeah, no. 

Josie: Okay. So, I am torn between making you roll Human Name or Demon Name here, because on the one hand, it sounds like you’re using your human skills to do this. On the other hand, this is all relating to your past demon memory stuff. 

Fabby: So you tell me. Because for me would be if I roll Human Name, that’s not her remembering, that’s her piecing together from, like, extracting information from the conversation and piecing it together. So that information could be wrong or could be from Jordan’s point of view, whereas if I roll True Name, that’s actually trying to figure out my own memories. 

Josie: Okay. Um…

Fabby: Does that sound…?

Josie: Yeah. So roll Human Name, it sounds like. 

Fabby: Yeah. I think that’s definitely what she’s doing. 2d6. That’s a— that’s a 6! I’m good at this!

Kris: Look at that. [laughs] 

Josie: Yeah, so as far as Phanuel can tell, you do remember her. 

Fabby: Yeah! Of course!

Josie: Um…

Kris: Oh, boy. 

Fabby (as Luz): I always— yeah, no. You think I didn’t notice you? I always noticed you, what are you talking about?

Josie: [laughs] So, not only that, but you piece together some of what was going on. Phanuel is another Defiler, like you, and was always kind of a hanger-on in the Crimson Legion. And you get the sense that a lot of the Crimson Legion and a lot of the leadership especially was a very complicated network of polycules and pinings and—

Fabby: [laughs] Great, good. 

Josie: Unrequited stuff. 

Fabby: Love triangles and quadrangles…

Josie: Yeah. Because it’s very clear that Phanuel was crushing on Penumbra and Penumbra was crushing on Lucifer, and Lucifer was heavily involved with like, their chief lieutenant who was called Belial, also another Defiler. And then Belial was maybe involved with some of the other generals. Yes, Kris says ‘Several not-so-platonic shapes.’ Phanuel never really was officially part of the Crimson Legion and flitted around a lot. It’s funny you said anarchy earlier, cause even back then she was very distrustful of hierarchies. 

Fabby: Alright, yeah. I think Luz definitely, like, you know, plays along. Not in a mean way. This is just how she is with people. Just like, ‘Oh yeah, no, yeah no, I totally get what you’re saying. Here’s how my experiences in my current normal day life relate to that.’

Josie: [laughs] And this is totally not digging yourself in deep. 

Fabby: No. What? No. We’ve exchanged numbers, we’ve followed each other on Twitter. We’re great friends now. 

Josie: Perfect. 

Kris: It’s so good. I love Luz. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Fabby: She’s doing her best. 

Kris: Truly. 

Fabby: Living her best life out here. Although I do wanna say if at any point she badmouths Lucifer, that would be like, her expression would change and her friendliness would change.

Josie: She doesn’t have anything against Lucifer, as far as you can tell. Was just jealous. 

Fabby: Cool. Yeah, oh yeah. God, I can’t— I can’t wait til she like, looks at Luz’s art and like, more than half of it is just like, her— half of it her experiences— half of it is her memories, kinda hazed and dreamlike, and a lot of them feature either Lucifer or like, a pillar of light or a sun that represents them. And the other half is just metaphors for that same thing. 

Josie: [laughs] 

Fabby: But like, in her real life or stuff, or like stuff with waters or shapes, but there’s always a sun or sunlight or something. 

Josie: Perfect. Julia. 

Minna: Yes. 

Josie: Chazaqiel says to you,

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I really am glad you are doing well. Sometimes I worried back then for you in your isolation. 

Minna (as Julia): Yeah… [sighs] There’s been a lot of bad years, but. This is the situation we’re in now. There’s enough of the human left in me that I’m not eager to go back into isolation. 

Josie: She nods. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): There’s enough in me as well, I suppose. Although I have emerged pretty— I am still uncomfortable being called Emma. I’m still very much Chazaqiel. Do you still think we were right in what we did back then?

Minna (as Julia): Which time?

Josie (as Chazaqiel): The trusting Earth to humanity part. Because…

Josie: She kind of gestures at the towering hotels and buildings in the distance. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I’m not about to say that humanity’s a problem, but I cannot help but feel that we were irresponsible, somehow. 

Minna (as Julia): You can’t put that on just the two of us. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): That’s true, but—

Minna (as Julia): Once we all started giving things over to the humans, it was, well, it’s their world now. Our world, now. All of us. 

Josie: She kind of screws up her face at that a little bit. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): I suppose. But I always thought the idea was to share it, not…

Minna (as Julia): Oh, I agree. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes. But I suppose we’re among them now. I guess that’s kind of like sharing it. 

Minna (as Julia): It’s not just humans that develop.

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Yes. Yes, that’s true. But were we not so limited by this,

Josie: She kind of just taps her other hand, 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Perhaps we could fix those things. But then again, maybe that’s what Abaddon is hoping to do, and I can’t imagine that will go well for them. 

Minna (as Julia): I don’t think Babel’s the answer. I don’t know what the answer is, but I don’t think it’s that. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): Hmm. 

Minna (as Julia): It’s just another tower to put on this piece of land. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): That’s true. I wish we didn’t have to spend all that time locked up when we could have been pondering all this, helping with everything. Maybe that was more the punishment than the isolation. Remy, were you— this is a bit of an odd question, but were you in there with us? I seem to recall you vanishing before even the generals left. 

Kris (as Remy): Yeah, um… I don’t— I don’t think so? I don’t know where I was. It’s all kind of hazy. Um, but I don’t… remember the Abyss. You know? It feels like I would’ve remembered it. Or at least seeing other people there, since it sounds like there were a lot. No, I don’t think I was there. 

Josie (as Chazaqiel): That is interesting. Because as far as I know, the only person who didn’t get in there was Lucifer themselves. 

Josie: And Jordan turns to look at Remy like,

Josie (as Jordan): Oh, do you know where Lucifer is? If you were out there with Them. 

Kris (as Remy): I barely knew where I was. I don’t know that I had the presence of mind to really check for anybody else. Sorry. 

Josie (as Jordan): Ah, dammit. 

Fabby: Luz makes like a sad face, but like, she’s asked this before so she doesn’t say anything. 

Kris: Yeah, I think Remy just kind of like, sees that face and is just like,

Kris (as Remy): Yeah, we’ve talked about this.

Kris: Pats Luz on the back. 

Josie: Aww. 

Kris: I think that does get Remy thinking, like, you know, as much as they were just kind of like stuck in just a cloud of terrible feelings directed at themselves, or themselves, I think that does kind of prompt them to wonder, like, ‘Did I run into Lucifer somewhere? Did I?’ [laughs] Did I and I just forgot it because I was so absorbed in all of my own bullshit that I just didn’t even register, like, ‘Oh, hey Lucifer, I’m just wandering the earth,’ like… 

Josie: Do you want to try and remember?

Kris: I think they think about trying— they think about thinking about it for a moment and remember like ten minutes ago trying to think about Sekhmet and it’s just like no, I could do— I have a vague bad feeling about someone who I barely remember already. I think I’m just gonna stick to one for now. [laughs] But you know, putting that on the like, maybe I should look into that at some point, but I don’t think they’re going to right now, because that feels like too many, ah yes, another person who I don’t remember but I feel like doesn’t like me. 

Josie: Emma continues,

Josie (as Chazaqiel): But I suppose these are all questions to ponder over brunch as well. 

Kris (as Remy): Absolutely. Saturdays. It’s a good time. 

Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, they have— she makes really good food, too. It’s a nice conversation, usually not too busy. We considered doing it at Dennys for a bit, but this is way better. 

Josie (as Jordan): I mean, we could call Abaddon out and go fight behind a Dennys.

Josie: Jordan says.

Minna: [laughs] 

Fabby (as Luz): I mean yeah, that’s one of the three things you can do behind a Dennys. But I don’t know. 

Josie (as Jordan): Oh, what are the other two?

Fabby (as Luz): If you want to, Dennys might be open. I could tell you.

[theme music plays]

##Credits [01.03.50]

Josie: Demon: Love and Hellfire is a Clever Corvids production. Find the show on Twitter @Love_Hellfire and follow @Clever_Corvids on Twitter for updates on the network and City That Never Dies. We also have a website, 

Don’t forget to support the Clever Corvids Patreon. It supports all our shows, and you get some extra goodies each month if you do. I have a few more shows planned, so if we can get enough patrons to afford them, we can keep expanding our network.

Luz, aka Penumbra, is played by Fabby Garza. Fabby is a Mexican-American queer trans woman and you can find her voice in other Actual Play podcasts such as Eidolon Playtest, Moon Harbor Heroes, and Don’t Cast, Don’t Tell. You can find her and all of her work @Fabby_Garza on Twitter.

Remy, aka Orea, is played by Kris Allison. Kris is black, ace and tired. You can also hear them having anti-capitalist gay space adventures in the podcast Breathing Space: Fading Frontier. You can also find them on Twitter @knalliso, where they frequently retweet other people and sometimes draw swords. 

Julia, aka Aigron, is played by Minna Reilly. Minna is an aro-ace Florida woman who doesn’t do anything wild enough to end up in a headline. You can, however, hear her elsewhere on Clever Corvids in The City That Never Dies. You can also find her on Twitter @mynaminnarr, where she is almost certainly talking about fanfiction.

The GM is Josie S. Josie is a literal, actual dragon and a thirsty trans lesbian. Hear her elsewhere on Clever Corvids in The City That Never Dies, or guesting on a bunch of other podcasts like Moon Harbor. You can find her on Twitter @DragonGirlJosie, where she is extremely gay all the time.

All music on the show is from Pixabay, used under their license, unless otherwise noted. Pixabay’s license grants the irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive and royalty free right to use, download, copy, modify or adapt their content for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Attribution of the artists is not required, but we have a page on our website,, to credit the artists anyway. 

Thank you for listening!

##Blooper [01.06.09]

Josie: [laughs] Kris just put in chat, “Ah, panic attack and dissociation, the two genders.”

Fabby: Uh huh. 

Minna: [laughs] 

Josie: I’m like, yep. That’s what a T4T couple is. [laughs] They compliment each other. 

Kris: Oh thank fuck, the imbalance. 

Josie: [laughs] Inside you there are two wolves. 

Fabby: Yeah, it’s like, it’s whispering sweet nothings of like, evil. Eldritch evil. Eldritch digital sweet nothings of ‘[mumbles] nice butt [mumbles]’ Oh, thank you!

Josie: [laughs loudly] [mumbles] Nice butt… [laughs] 

Fabby: That’s what Cthulhu sounds like in my head. 

Josie: Do you wanna fuck Cthulhu Fabby? Is that how this is going?

Fabby: I decide to plead the fifth.