The "demons who brunch" go to the beach music festival! Their good time gets a bit sidetracked by a surprising appearance. Also they encounter the worst sand sculpture ever made.
CW: SFX of water
The "demons who brunch" go to the beach music festival! Their good time gets a bit sidetracked by a surprising appearance. Also they encounter the worst sand sculpture ever made.
Remy is played by Kris Allison @knalliso
Luz is played by Fabby Garza @fabby_garza
Julia is played by Minna Reilly @mynaminnarr
The GM is Josie @DragonGirlJosie
Find us on Twitter @love_hellfire
Demon: Love and Hellfire is a Clever Corvids production. @clever_corvids
Support us on the Clever Corvids Patreon!
Featured Charity: The Sunrise Project
All music is from Pixabay (used under their license) unless otherwise noted. Song list
Drafts of the rules I've written. Subject to change on a whim!!
[theme music plays]
Josie: Welcome back to Miami, everyone. We’ve had a little bit of a break while recording while we re-evaluate some things about the show – I’m probably gonna cut this out, future Josie – but I’m saying it because—
Kris: [laughs]
Josie: I’ve gone completely feral.
Fabby: Hell yeah! Feral GM time.
Josie: I want some time to have passed. I know there was like, a dinner with Wes in that week, but I think we’ve kind of missed the boat on that one. And everyone kinda burned through their Faith really quickly, not really understanding the system yet, so I’m thinking like, a week or two has passed. Because it makes sense that you all have been laying low somewhat after a very violent incident in a church with a very prominent authority figure.
Kris: I know that when I get into a gunfight in a church, I try to stay at home for alike, a week afterwards.
Josie: [laughs] Right. And I trust your experience with that particular situation.
Kris: Thank you.
Josie: And, you know, Ace and Iris still need to process some things.
Fabby: Yeah, that’s valid.
Josie: And Julia got fucking shot. And she does have demon healing, but it still takes a little bit to heal. But all of you are getting all your Faith back, because you’re just taking some time to center yourself, and clearing all your harm because it’s been a little bit. I do want to ask each of you how you all spend this time. How do you all lay low? Do you lay low? Do you just try to carry on about your life as usual? Uh, let’s hit up Fabby with that question first.
Fabby: Mm hmm. I think it’s a combination of carrying on your life as usual, try to make it seem like nothing’s strange, and since Ace and Iris are needing time, I’m probably reaching out to, uh, what’s her name? Taylor?
Josie: It was Jordan, yeah.
Fabby: Jordan, yeah. I’m reaching out to Jordan, probably. We probably have had dinner or something a couple times, coffee.
Josie: Aw, yay.
Fabby: Yeah. And like, who knows what’s gonna happen here, but we’re demons, we’re talking, we’re enjoying each other’s company, ehh.
Josie: Mm hmm. You’re not trying to make it a thing, just kinda seeing where things go?
Fabby: Yeah. I think Luz really likes companionship and the people that she had kinda wanted a more stable companionship want space, so she’s, uh, she probably let them know of like, “Hey, I’m gonna be hanging out with a friend, I don’t know what it’ll be, but just hanging out,” and something like that. And like, if something happens, like, they probably made out? I would say they probably made out, knowing my girl.
Josie: Uh huh, yeah. [laughs]
Fabby: But like, there’s no name. They’re just like, “Oh, you wanna hang out?” Yeah. I don’t know if Jordan’s like, “Yeah, we’re dating, this is my girlfriend,” I don’t think they’ve had that conversation, so that’s up to you. But it’s just been a more like, chilling.
Josie: I don’t think she’s asserted that, but it’s clear that she gets attached pretty easily and like she said, there was kind of some unrequited feelings going around in the before times, so she’s kind of riding that high a little bit. And I’m sure it’s invigorating to Luz for a little bit to have someone who matches her energy in that sort of situation.
Fabby: Yeah. I think that is really appealing to her.
Josie: Yay. Let’s go down to Remy. How is Remy spending he next week or two?
Kris: Uh, I think Remy is going back to their kind of routine, you know? Waking up early— ugh. Doing their weird jobs around the place. Like, I’ll drive a thing from here to there, I’ll pick up a stuff over here and I’ll do, like, odd jobs around the place. But there’s a kind of like, anxiousness underlying all of it, because they, you know, are trying to lie low and it’s just like, are repercussions gonna come? Is another Shard gonna appear somewhere? Like, is Abaddon gonna make another move or is Father John gonna do something? Like, they’re just kinda nervously waiting for something to happen, so they don’t quite settle into ease, even though everything they’re doing is like, yeah, I’ve done this a thousand times and I could probably do it another thousand.
Josie: Is Remy good at keeping that bottled up, or does Jade notice?
Kris: I think Jade notices because, like— I think Remy goes— I’ve said Remy goes for these walks, but I think their walks have been getting longer and they’ve just been going further, because whether they realize it or not, they’re kind of walking around and hoping their, I dunno, Spidey sense will tingle or something and they’ll be like, “Ah! A Shard!” Right? [laughs]
Josie: [laughs]
Kris: So I think a couple of times, uh, you know, Jade has been— or Remy has been out when Jade has been like, “Hey, I’m sorry to drop this on you last second but can you watch Isaiah for a bit? I have to go to somewhere for a couple hours and I don’t want him to be by himself.” And Remy is just not there for that.
Josie: Oof. Okay. Minna, how is Julia handling the intervening time?
Minna: Well, she did get shot and she has to recover at least a little bit, so I think there’s gotta be weirdly a brief time off work, and she has to explain to her family why there is that time off work and probably has— does not explain with the truth, but she does have unspecified injury and is probably fussed over at least a little bit.
Josie: Uh huh. [laughs] How does Julia feel about her family trying to fuss over her and her having to keep that distance there?
Minna: I think the fussing is familiar and fine, it’s the uh, fact that she has been literally shot, which is not something that her family would be chill about [laughs] that is something she’s struggling with.
Josie: Mm hmm. So, after a little bit of time it’s coming up on time for one of the semi-annual music festivals on Miamic— I’m gonna take that line a-fucking-gain.
Kris: [laughs]
Josie: Because I just wanna delete that whole section.
Fabby: That’s fair, but Miamic Beach does that sound like a demonic Miami.
Josie: [laughs] [deep voice] Miamic Beach!
Kris: Mm.
Josie: So, one thing is that it’s coming time for one of the semi-annual music festivals in Miami Beach. I almost said Miamic Beach again.
Josie: I’m just gonna keep feeding material into the boop— blooper reel. And I almost called it the booper reel. Can I talk today?
Fabby: The booper reel! That’s really cute! Boop. That’s really cute!
Josie: Boop.
Minna: Boop.
Josie: Boop.
Fabby: We have booped you. You have been booped, listener.
Josie: Mm hmm. And it is a music festival, but there’s other stuff, too. There’s a little bit of carnival stuff, there’s a sandcastle competition, or exhibition. It’s a competition, but it’s not competitive. It’s mostly just for artists with way too much time on their hands to construct huge, elaborate things. Like, sandcastles you can walk on and stuff, because it’s so densely packed. They’ve probably been at it for a while before the festival and who knows how long they’re gonna last. Notably, Julia, Dead Beaches is not in the music festival. One, they’re not quite big enough. Two, it’s probably that name.
Kris: [laughs]
Minna: [laughs loudly]
Fabby: [laughs]
Minna: I feel like the music festival is probably, like—
Kris: “This is a family-friendly event, you know?”
Minna: And probably better-known acts, to be honest. Like, probably not local acts.
Josie: Yeah. Like, it is a little bit indie. Like, it’s not super big names or anything, but it’s definitely not we’re inviting local punk bands to make a mosh pit on the beach. It’s definitely not that.
Kris: [laughs]
Fabby: I wish it was that.
Josie: It’s not bad music, but it’s inoffensive music. But, it’s a fun day. There’s also all kinds of stores and restaurants and other things with booths to show off their wares and stuff like that. Lots of independent people will basically make kind of an artist alley, but a lot of them are like, older Miami women with various inoffensive landscape and sea paintings and stuff like that. Remy knows that Jade and Isaiah like to go. He likes to go through the carnival parts and see the sandcastles.
Kris: Mm hmm.
Josie: He never— he never wins any of the carnival games, but he really likes to throw those rings real hard. And I think Jade offers for you to come with them, because she’s noticed that you’re kind of off and need to unwind.
Kris: Yep. And I think Remy, you know, feels bad for not having been there for the last little bit, or at least always being off and distracted, and so—[laughs] one of their Torments is letting other people down, don’t worry about it— but yes, agrees to go. That sounds like a good time, a fun time, and yeah. Sandcastles are fun.
Josie: Yeah. And the day of, Luz, you’re gonna get a text, and I forget if numbers were shared all the way around, but this text is gonna be shared with the two of you as well, from Jordan saying:
Josie (as Jordan via Text): Hey babe, this is weird, but I guess it makes it easy?
Josie: And she sent a picture of a huge, ornate sandcastle with bits of glass and tile in it—
Kris: [gasps]
Fabby: Huh.
Josie: So that it kinda has a, like, an actual façade at points and it kinda catches the light.
Fabby: Mm hmm.
Josie: The problem is, one of the centerpieces up near the top is a perfectly triangular piece that is very clearly a Shard of Babel—
Kris: Oh…
Josie: To people who have seen one before.
Fabby: Oh.
Josie: To everyone else, it probably looks really pretty. And it is high up, but she has zoomed in on it. And she follows up with:
Josie (as Jordan via text): I think we need to figure out to get this. Emma’s already dragging me to the festival today so we can scope things out.
Fabby (as Luz via text): Yeah. I’ll meet you there, babe. Good catch.
Fabby: Also, for the record, she calls everyone ‘babe’. She calls anyone ‘babe’. So she’s like, yeah, I’ll meet you there, babe. Good catch. It’s a date.
Josie: She sends back a bunch of hearts.
Fabby: Mm hmm. All of you are seeing this? This is in the group chat, right?
Minna: Mm hmm.
Josie: [laughs] You know what? Sure. It was in the group chat. [laughs]
Fabby: Good. I— yes.
Kris: There’s just a big group chat for all of the demons who go to brunch.
Minna: Demons who brunch.
Kris: [laughs] Extremely good.
Josie: Do the other two of you have thoughts on this?
Kris: Yeah I think, you know, Remy’s like:
Kris (as Remy via text): I’m also going to be there with some neighbors. Um, but I’ll definitely make a moment to go and check that out cause yeah, we definitely need to do something about that. Oh my goodness.
Kris: [laughs] And then I think they mean to do the like, you know, the emoji that is like the little sad face with the bead of sweat, like ‘yikes’, but instead just does the sweat drops. And it’s like, that’s not what you meant, Remy. That’s not what that is.
Josie: [laughs] So, I’m gonna ask you for something that I forgot to ask for last time, and that’s your load. Because I wanna know if you’re taking anything… if you’re preparing for something or if you’re just preparing to walk around the festival and scope out the situation and maybe go for the Shard at a later date.
Kris: Ah… I think Remy’s gonna go light.
Josie: Mm hmm.
Kris: Cause first things first is I’m having a fun afternoon with my neighbors and I don’t wanna freak them out. [laughs] Cause Jade knows, and so I don’t want her to be all concerned.
Minna: [laughs] Can I have a medium load, but in the sense of somebody who wants to be prepared with like, so many sandwiches and waters? Like, that’s what it looks like?
Fabby: Oh my God!
Minna: I have a backpack. [laughs]
Kris: That’s so good.
Josie: [laughs]
Fabby: Yeah, I think I’m going light load as well. Like, a small tote bag. There’s a couple things there, but it’s not ridiculously so. She’s gonna go there to hang out and have fun and scope out. If the moment presents itself, sure. But if not, we can always go there when there’s less people around.
Kris: Fingers crossed.
Josie: Perfect.
[theme music plays]
##Midroll [01.15.28]
Josie: Ha ha, the midroll’s back in the middle. As I said, I have gone full feral running this podcast, so sometimes the midroll will actually be in the middle. Sometimes it will be in the beginning. And sometimes some other third place I haven’t thought of yet. Really just depends on what’s most dramatic and how much I have to say.
Also: Get hype! There’s gonna be Demon: Love and Hellfire merch soon. I’m really bad at shilling, but there’s gonna be merch soon and I’m excited about it. It’s coming out on November 8th, and there’s gonna be stickers and t-shirts and a bunch of other stuff. It’s mostly gonna be the rainbow pride flag pentagram that is our logo, but it’s also gonna come in a bunch of other pride flag colors, so choose whichever flavor of sexy damnation works for ya. I’m really excited that it’s finally happening. I designed all the logos and graphics for Love and Hellfire and I worked really hard on them, despite how simple they are. And big thanks to Kim and Rhi for handling actually getting the store set up. You’ll be able to find the link to our store on our website at While you’re there, check out our Magpies and City That Never Dies merch.
Speaking of City That Never Dies, the other show on Clever Corvids, it just had its season one finale. There’s gonna be a small hiatus before the start of season two, so now’s a great time to catch up on that show if you haven’t yet. The hiatus will last until sometime in November, I forget, and in the meantime there will be a cast Q&A episode which will be Patreon exclusive for a month and then become free. Love and Hellfire isn’t taking a break. The last one was too long, and we’re not even done with season one yet.
On that note of the Patreon, I’ve been wanting to do some sort of thing for Love and Hellfire or the cast to put on there, but I’m kinda drawing a blank for stuff that we aren’t already doing with CTND. Tweet at us @Love_Hellfire if you have ideas of what you’d like to see.
Here’s Kim with this month’s featured charity.
Kim: The Sunrise Movement is a nationwide youth led organization that advocates for climate justice. Through phone banking, protesting and educating, they aim to urge people to treat climate change solutions as a priority. They are avid champions for the Green New Deal, fighting against fascism and pressuring leaders at the local and federal level to endorse climate justice legislation. Volunteer hubs are also made accessible by holding both in-person and virtual organizing activities, and there is no pressure made in regards to how much or how little of your time you can commit to the cause. If you are under the age of 35 and would like to join, visit, and if you are over the age limit check out their sister organization, Arm in Arm for Climate. To donate, visit
Josie: Now back to the show.
##Story continues [00.18.13]
[theme music plays]
Josie: I’ll ask this: who is going together and who is going separate? Because Remy is going with Jade and Isaiah, right? You all can meet up if you want, but I just wanna know what groups people are in as we kinda describe our festival days. Like, if Luz is gonna be with Jordan and probably Emma or not, or with the group, and if Julia’s trying to pull a group together.
Kris: Yeah, I think we could all meet up there or on the way, but Remy is otherwise arriving with Jade and Isaiah.
Josie: Mm hmm.
Fabby: Yeah, I think Luz is meeting up with Jordan. I don’t know if Jordan’s picking her up or taking a Lyft there or a bus there or something. And then, if there’s other people there, yeah, sure.
Minna: I think that because it’s demon stuff that’s happening, I don’t think that Julia invites, like, just normal humans. It is a fun music festival, but it has the possibility of going really sour, so I think she is just kind of meeting up with the people who are coming.
Josie: So, for the first part of the day, because it is going to go into the evening, I just wanna see what y’all do around the festival. Finding the Shard is not difficult. It’s on a big sandcastle in the big sandcastle portion of the festival. Not all of them are castles, some of them are like, characters or scenes. There’s a giant Peter Griffin, like, perfectly rounded off sand statue.
Fabby: [laughs] Oh no.
Josie: I don’t why, but Kris specifically requested it and I’m putting that on air.
Kris: Did I?
Josie: I think so.
Fabby: I called it out. I mentioned it when we talked— I didn’t request it—
Josie: Fabby.
Fabby: I wanna be clear. I mentioned it.
Josie: I mean, I put that in my notes because you brought that up for some reason, so it’s in there.
Fabby: [laughs] Perfect.
Josie: [laughs] It’s 100% in there. Let’s start with Remy.
Kris: Sure.
Josie: How do you spend your time with Jade and Isaiah? Because Isaiah wants to see the sandcastles and play some carnival games.
Kris: You know there’s— the carnival games being massive money wasters, so I think, you know, Isaiah insisted on doing them and Remy is just like, kneeling right next to him, I imagine he’s lined up at the, you know, the one where you have the water gun and you have to shoot the target and your little racer goes against, like four other people and then you win a giant stuffed animal? I think Isaiah’s doing that and Remy’s just like crouching down next to him, sort of like, giving him coaching tips, being like:
Kris (as Remy): Okay, so you’re gonna wanna aim a little bit higher than where the target is, because as the water goes far, it’s gonna start to drop. So if you aim just for the target, it’s not gonna— it’s gonna be too low. Okay?
Kris: Right? And is like, doing their best to not like, just move the thing for him. It’s like, okay, he can do it, he can win or fail on his own, but I just want him to have fun. Look at him, he’s just a little guy.
Josie: Aww. [laughs] I think Jade’s like:
Josie (as Jade): Do I need to worry about his aim getting better? Because when he flings stuff off his fork, it usually misses.
Kris (as Remy): I mean… it’s good to, um, develop fine motor skills?
Josie (as Jade): Remy, you don’t need to justify it. I was just teasing you.
Kris (as Remy): Okay, thank goodness. [laughs] I wasn’t sure how serious you were about that. But you know, just think about it. He’ll, you know, maybe win the… what is that? A Pokémon? That’s a Pokémon right?
Kris: Is pointing at what is clearly a Pikachu, but Remy is just like, “I dunno.”
Josie (as Jade): Uh, I mean it looks off-brand, but yeah?
Kris (as Remy): Yeah. I imagine that’ll get you a couple of days—
Fabby: It’s a big Among Us Pikachu.
Kris: What does that even mean? [laughs] I’m trying to picture what that looks like and it’s upsetting to me.
Fabby: You know, it’s like a Pikachu but with the helmet. Yeah. You people know what I mean!
Josie: Guess I need to photoshop that now.
Fabby: [laughs]
Kris: Remy’s looking at any and all of these things being like:
Kris (as Remy): Is that from Fortnite? Are these from Fortnite? Which of these is a Minecraft? What are they?
Kris: To Jade like:
Kris (as Remy): I imagine if he gets one, that’ll get you a couple of days of him not asking for other stuff. I mean, that’s gotta be nice. A bit of reprieve.
Josie (as Jade): I mean, that’s true. And I know that’s a Minecraft. I don’t entirely understand what a Fortnite is.
Kris (as Remy): Oh, you and me both.
Kris: Just the two of them staring at all of these things like, “What do you mean?” [laughs]
Josie: [laughs]
Josie (as Jade): It’s been a minute since I heard you laugh.
Kris (as Remy): Yeah. Sorry I haven’t been around a lot. Um, work’s been kinda busy and also, uh, you know. Just a lot of weirdness on my mind.
Kris: And they kinda like, turn their head towards where the sandcastles are. Just like, seeing— is the one with the Shard— you said it was like a tower. Is it taller than the others? Can you see it from other parts of the festival?
Josie: Yeah, I think you’re close enough to see it.
Kris: Yeah, so just kind of looks at that and is, you know, making a concerned face after having just been having fun. And then tries to snap out of it.
Kris (as Remy): But you know, I don’t want to get the two of you wrapped up in that. Last time, ugh, things went really badly. So I really, really hope we can keep things under more control today.
Josie (as Jade): I… don’t you lift? What happened?
Kris (as Remy): [exhales]
Josie (as Jade): Hold on. Baby, baby, little more right, don’t hit the poor guy. Okay, cool.
Fabby: [laughs]
Kris: [laughs] Sort of looking around and it’s very crowded here. It’s like:
Kris (as Remy): Uh, I can tell you later. I just, um, when I say bad, I do mean that, so… just would rather that not accidentally getting out, you know?
Josie: You didn’t tell Jade a damn thing about the church thing, right? Or did you?
Kris: [high-pitched] No. No, I did not.
Josie: Okay.
Fabby: [laughs]
Josie: So I think she’s just like:
Josie (as Jade): Well, today’s the day to enjoy the festival. We can talk about that tomorrow or something.
Kris (as Remy): That sounds very good.
Kris: Probably the conversation is broken by the bell going off on the game cause someone won.
Josie: And I think Isaiah looks up at both of you pleadingly, and Jade’s like:
Josie (as Jade): Okay, one more time. One more time.
Josie: The other two of you kind of pair off with Emma and Jordan. It seems like Julia at this festival means fucking business. She is here for a day of recon and festival-going, with plenty of snacks.
Minna: [laughs]
Kris: [laughs]
Josie: I think Jordan goes through a few of them quickly, cause she’s like “ooh, free food.” Emma kind of tries to take charge a little bit and is kind of standing in front of the sandcastle looking like she’s appreciating it, like classic art appreciation pose. She doesn’t know anything about art, but she’s like, thinking really hard.
Josie (as Emma): Okay. How do we do this?
Fabby (as Luz): I don’t know. I’m not huge into Family Guy, but you seem to be into it.
Josie (as Emma): No. Not that one. The obvious one.
Fabby (as Luz): Oh. Oh.
Josie (as Emma): It is a shame though, that this person has cursed me with knowledge of what that… what that character is.
Kris: Can I add a very obnoxious detail to the Peter Griffin sculpture?
Josie: Yes.
Kris: They’ve embedded speakers in it, so every now and then just like, [annoying giggle]
Minna: Oh…
Josie: [laughs]
Fabby: That’s the worst, I love it.
Josie: Congratulations. We have made the worst sand sculpture.
Kris: [laughs]
Josie: [laughs]
Kris: I really want— you said there’s one that’s like a scene. I really want there to be one that is just like, this os the corner of a Hieronymus Bosch painting.
Josie: [laughs]
Kris: This is just, it’s just chaos. It’s just mayhem.
Josie: I— yes, 100%. I’m down with that. [laughs] I think Jordan is like:
Josie (as Jordan): Emma, you’ve really gotta lighten up. Luz, we should do something. We should go see… we should go see one of the bands or something.
Fabby (as Luz): Sure.
Josie (as Jordan): Cause it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah, no. We shouldn’t try to steal something while this place is surrounded by people. So yes.
Fabby: I think she grabs her hand.
Fabby (as Luz): Let’s go and see a band. I am not familiar with any of these!
Josie (as Jordan): Hooray, me neither.
Fabby (as Luz): Hell yeah. Ooh, let’s… let’s go do churro…
Josie: So, they’re gonna go off and do their own thing, unless Julia wants to talk to Luz about something.
Minna: I think it’s fine if they do that.
Josie: I think Emma looks back at Julia.
Josie (as Emma): What do you think?
Minna (as Julia): About the Peter Griffin sculpture?
Josie (as Emma): No, the—
[extended laughter]
Josie (as Emma): How are we going to get that without getting caught? I admit stealth is not my strong suit, nor is there an abundance of plant life.
Minna (as Julia): We could make a distraction?
Josie (as Emma): What sort of distraction?
Minna (as Julia): I could see if there’s anybody I know here and see if they’re willing to do something fun and chaotic.
Josie (as Emma): I suppose. But something to catch the attention of so many people?
Minna: [laughs] My first thought is “drum circle time”. Trying to think of things people get drawn to at beaches.
Josie: [laughs]
Minna: [laughs]
Minna (as Julia): I’m sure we can figure something out.
Fabby: Is Julia a hippie?
Minna: Hmm?
Fabby: I said is Julia a hippie?
Minna: No, Julia— the drum circle thing was me thinking about things that people get distracted by at beaches. When that starts up at the beach here, people are drawn to it. [laughs]
Josie (as Emma): I suppose so. Feel free to enjoy the festival, Aigron. I am… slow on the uptake, Jordan says.
Minna (as Julia): Well, I hope you have fun.
Josie: She just thinks for a second and nods. So, what is Julia gonna do?
Minna: So, you did mention that while it’s not the most local of bands, it is still kind of indie music scene?
Josie: Mm hmm.
Minna: I mention this because I do have that Influence. I could see if I know people and try to gather them. I think they would be— I could gather people who would be helpful.
Josie: Ooh. Okay. Give me a roll and I’ll think about how that can manifest. This can be Human Name, controlled, standard.
Minna: 4.
Josie: 4, okay. So, Julia, planning ahead, tries to find some people she knows among the bands and the roadies and the people setting up the actual music of the music festival. One thing you do notice as you’re making your way around is that one of the stages was briefly taken over for a PR appearance for the soon-to-be incumbent Miami, Rebecca Greer. And you can see Wes in the crowd and he’s probably making political connections. And she’s pledging for more arts funding, basically, and kind of making a PR situation with that. She’s dressed to enjoy the festival herself and this is just a brief side-trip from that. But as you go off past that stage towards the actual musicians, let’s jump over to Fabby and— sorry, I was about to say Fabby and Jordan, but it’s Luz and Jordan. How does— what sort of music do y’all seek out? What do y’all do to have fun at this festival?
Fabby: I don’t know. I think she’s letting Jordan take, uh, take the lead here. She’s kinda just enjoying things as they go. They get some snacks, some festival food. But I think if Jordan’s not being like, “Oh, here, there,” I think she’d probably like, steer them towards maybe like a DJ or something. Or something less, I dunno, cause the live music is good, but it’s like, maybe there’s just this DJ over here, we’ll go listen to the mix or something. Unless Jordan had something in particular.
Josie: Yeah, I don’t think Jordan had anything in particular.
Fabby: Then yeah, she’s gonna be like:
Fabby (as Luz): Come on, dance with me.
Fabby: And like, take her where the DJs are, where the DJ is.
Josie: Yeah. And I think she’s perfectly willing to dance. It’s not crazy or anything, just sort of bopping. She’s like:
Josie (as Jordan): They never had music like this back then. I like this a lot more.
Fabby (as Luz): I mean, I think all music has its purpose. But yeah, I don’t know if, uh, what’s considered now classical music is as much fun to dance to as this.
Fabby: And she like, gets closer and maybe hits her with her hip.
Josie: [laughs] And I think she hits back.
Fabby: Luz pretends to be— like, jumps a little bit.
Josie: She laughs.
Josie (as Jordan): You are a dork.
Fabby (as Luz): I am! And that’s why you like hanging out with me.
Fabby: She boops her nose.
Josie: Ah!
Josie (as Jordan): You know, I think I like this whole being human thing a little bit better. It means I get to hang out with you and enjoy way better music.
Fabby (as Luz): Yeah! Like, yeah, I don’t know. May— I think being human is good the same as being a demon’s good. And we get both. Like the great poet Miley Cyrus said, the best of both worlds.
Kris: [laughs]
Fabby (as Luz): And I think, uh, I think that’s good.
Josie: I think she kinda snort-laughs at the Miley Cyrus reference.
Fabby: [laughs]
Josie: And I think you two just have a good time doing that and being gay.
Fabby: Yeah. Yeah! It’s okay, I’m sure things will go terrible later, but for now, it’s great.
Josie: Yeah. Remy, what are you and Jade and Isaiah doing after playing a bunch of carnival games?
Kris: I think that, uh, Remy suggests that maybe Isaiah has spent enough, uh, carnival tokens and coins or whatever on, you know, keychains or whatever, and maybe we can go and see the sandcastles. Because Remy also wants to get eyes on the tower with this Shard, the castle with this Shard.
Josie: Yeah. So, you start wandering over there. You do catch something worrisome out of the corner of your eye. On one of the outdoor tables set along more of the walkway or boardwalk portion is a small family, a mother and her child, and the father, aka Father John.
Fabby and Kris: [gasp]
##Credits [00.35.34]
Josie: Demon: Love and Hellfire is a Clever Corvids production. Find the show on Twitter @Love_Hellfire and follow @Clever_Corvids on Twitter for updates on the network and City That Never Dies. We also have a website,
Don’t forget to support the Clever Corvids Patreon. It supports all our shows, and you get some extra goodies each month if you do. I have a few more shows planned, so if we can get enough patrons to afford them, we can keep expanding our network.
Luz, aka Penumbra, is played by Fabby Garza. Fabby is a Mexican-American queer trans woman and you can find her voice in other Actual Play podcasts such as Eidolon Playtest, Moon Harbor Heroes, and Don’t Cast, Don’t Tell. You can find her and all of her work @Fabby_Garza on Twitter.
Remy, aka Orea, is played by Kris Allison. Kris is black, ace and tired. You can also hear them having anti-capitalist gay space adventures in the podcast Breathing Space: Fading Frontier. You can also find them on Twitter @knalliso, where they frequently retweet other people and sometimes draw swords.
Julia, aka Aigron, is played by Minna Reilly. Minna is an aro-ace Florida woman who doesn’t do anything wild enough to end up in a headline. You can, however, hear her elsewhere on Clever Corvids in The City That Never Dies. You can also find her on Twitter @mynaminnarr, where she is almost certainly talking about fanfiction.
The GM is Josie S. Josie is a literal, actual dragon and a thirsty trans lesbian. Hear her elsewhere on Clever Corvids in The City That Never Dies, or guesting on a bunch of other podcasts like Moon Harbor. You can find her on Twitter @DragonGirlJosie, where she is extremely gay all the time.
All music on the show is from Pixabay, used under their license, unless otherwise noted. Pixabay’s license grants the irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive and royalty free right to use, download, copy, modify or adapt their content for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Attribution of the artists is not required, but we have a page on our website,, to credit the artists anyway.
Thank you for listening!